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Aussies - We want you!!!!!!

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Dallas:

Well guys, I reckon we should treat Shornofalldignity's offer to give us pretty yellow stars to sew on our sweaty blue singlets with extreme caution. His name sounds Irish to me and all Aussies know that the Irish are sneaky bastards and cannot be trusted. Mainly because we are mostly Irish ourselves. But thats beside the point.

Have to admire his spirit though, so he must have been an Aussie in a previous life. It's because of this possibility that I vote we spare him. Perhaps just locking him away somewhere safe like the PENG thread where he can fantasize about crushing Australians without irritating anyone that matters.<hr></blockquote>

Locking me away in the Peng Challenge Thread? I began the Peng Challenge Thread! Lock me away indeed. It's where all right thinking folk wish to be, in any case.

Still, one must occasionally venture out in order to see how the little people are doing. Not to mention my status as good will Ambassador. Why, everywhere I go I make new chums! Ask the Commissar or Fieldmarshall.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by gibsonm:


My mistake. A quick review of your profile shows me that you are from MN USA and here was I thinking you came from a near neighbour of ours NZ .<hr></blockquote>

Mistake indeed. Pillock.

I am not quite sure about the Kiwis. I wish to regard them well, but so far have found them...unsound. For one thing, we have almost none of them in the Peng Challenge Thread. The fundamental worthiness of a nation not represented there is much to be doubted.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Noba:

Seanachai - Stop waffling and be the first to have the balls to send a setup and be skewered like the inconsequential foreigner you are.

Sigh. I don't see why we have to put up with the likes of you, except to roundly beat you.

This could degenerate if we don't stop the waffling now chaps.<hr></blockquote>


Send you a setup? Send you a setup?! Here I've been dragging my coat on the ground for posts, and you calculate that I should send you a setup?! You...here, now, what's the localism...you Nong!

Send me a setup. Oh, and then go to the Peng Challenge Thread and insult me properly. That was nothing like a proper insult. Limp, very limp.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai:

you Nong!<hr></blockquote>

Seanachai (bolded as a sign of respect, he is after all a denizen of the MBT), you talk the talk, but you don't walk the wombat!

It's 'Ya nong'!!!

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Oh, and then go to the Peng Challenge Thread and insult me properly. That was nothing like a proper insult. Limp, very limp.<hr></blockquote>

Now you know how the Justicar feels about inviting non-MBTers into the pool.

He'll probably give us an earfull for the next day or so! *groans*


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Mace:

Now you know how the Justicar feels about inviting non-MBTers into the pool.

He'll probably give us an earfull for the next day or so! *groans*


I didn't invite the Aussie bastard in (oh, hello, Mace, how's the wife, and W, or the ewe and you, as it were), I just told him to go off to the appropriate place, where the arrival of Aussie detritus showing up to call me foul and completely appropriate things would be usual.

I made no offers as to any status, no promises regarding his reception from the other, er, 'nongs', and did not imply that he would be welcome there.

I merely wished to be insulted and taunted in the proper way, in a roight proper forum, and before a jury of what, for lack of a printable designation, we shall call 'my peers'.

Not that any of you are, of course. But I have placed my hopes firmly on the concept of evolution, and there is at least the chance that someday you will be my peers.

One lives in hope.

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Noba, you sweaty little voyeur. You byword for non-participation. What miracle persuaded you to grace the forum with the awkward fumblings of you atrophied personality.

I can clearly recall you making bold about posting some months back. I thought it was all bluster at the time. How faithless I was! Mind you, I should have guessed that you would only be found posting in such close company. It certainly is suitably sticky and claustrophobic in here.

I have recovered sufficent composure since my last debacle to offer you another game, 2000pt Pnthr-76 Cmb arms? Bleat once for yes, and I will dispatch the set to post haste.

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One at a time you overseas buffoons. I don't have time to answer the "other" overseas inconsequential at this very moment. He will have to wait until I can find time to dip parts of myself into the 'pool.

(Of course my post was limp, it was perfectly targeted to the recipient).

What kept you - couldn't find the CAPS KEY, eh ?

Your setup will be in tomorrows mail.....

So D'arcy...you are out of your hole at last. I thought my valiant troops had made you give the honorable hobby away. I will honor you with a game. Send me the setup !!

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Oh Mighty Noba-wan,

I witness that thy tongue hath verily spatteth with wrath in the direction of thy foreign foe SHORN-ITCHY who beguileth us with taunts of LIMP-icity.!! As is the custom, thou hast issued a challenge and Aussie Honour must now be tested ...

Though I am confident that Aussie honour shalt be upheld in all its glory - since mine own id hath sorely experienced the might of Noba-wan on the fields of PBEM slaughter - our personal score doth bare no examination ;)

Therefore, I say as a fellow PBE-MATE and FAIR DINKUM follower of the GREAT AUSSIE CM TRUTH, I wisheth thee well in thy quest to conquer the infidel SHORN-ITCHY .......... and do proffer this secret spell (the meaning of which is only known by true blue disciples)to assist you in your forthcoming Quest ... "STONE TH' FLAMIN' CROWS!!!"

There, thou art now protected against any general chicanery, buffoonery or ablandishments by foreign CM fools. What's that I hear??? ......... ahhh ........ tis the sound of incoming BYG STUFF from yon overseas proponents!! hehe

I'm orf t' me bunker, mate. Catch ya' later...


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by AussieJeff:

Oh Mighty Noba-wan,

I witness that thy tongue hath verily spatteth with wrath in the direction of thy foreign foe SHORN-ITCHY who beguileth us with taunts of LIMP-icity.!! As is the custom, thou hast issued a challenge and Aussie Honour must now be tested ... <hr></blockquote>

The bloody little Aussie git has neither sent me a setup, nor shown up in the Peng Challenge Thread (as would any true gentleman) to insult me.

Whither Australia, then, eh?

Are you so blind to duty, so lost to honour, so sodding sure of your place at the final feast, that you can afford to ignore a Northern Challenger, that laughs to scorn all your little antipodean rituals?

(the usual insulting of the eminently insultable Australians in order to bump their thread...the pillocks)

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai:


I see you are STILL chugging that Fosters swill, old friend.........

Here's Episode 31 of the Paul Hogan Show to re-watch for the 3 x 167.3rd time. That's a good lad.

[ 11-23-2001: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by AussieJeff:

I see you are STILL chugging that Fosters swill, old friend.........

[ 11-23-2001: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]<hr></blockquote>

Now, AussieJeff, my dear little man. When I began drinking Australian beer, I imagine you weren't even sodding born yet. And, at that time in human history, when the world wasn't yet troubled by your presence, one of the only Aussie 'beers' available in the US was 'Fosters'. Now, mind, that viscious, awful, 'beer of pillocks' was better than many US beers, and easier to come by than many another good brew. And so we drank it.

Now, I see, 'tis actually brewed in Canada, under License, but there's worse places to have it brewed.

The Aussie's are back, gods rot them, and abysmal.

AussieJeff, my little man, have you no one good thing to say?

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Well Mace my dear man, the title of the thread was a touch off putting you know. Not to mention something of an oxymoron (always forgiven).

However, overcome by fratenal affection at the prospect of such a sustained display of Australian literacy. I couldn't help but recognise your spirit, your e'lan if you will.

Thus, here I am. If its insults you wanted, then perhaps you should have started a 'Trans-tasman fraticidal dispute' thread. But come now, there really is no need to bandy about nasty words like derogatory.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by D'arcy Montague:

Thus, here I am. If its insults you wanted, then perhaps you should have started a 'Trans-tasman fraticidal dispute' thread.<hr></blockquote>

I find the MBT* suits my fratricidal needs. ;)

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>There really is no need to bandy about nasty words like derogatory.<hr></blockquote>

My apologies (mainly for the mispelling).

We have Seanachai posting here on numerous occassions (and ...and... HE's FROM THE USA DON'CHA KNOW!!! :eek: ), so if we can make (many, many) exceptions for him, a citizen of the only other country to contribute to the ANZAC legend is definitely welcomed here.


* aka The Peng challenge threads

[ 12-01-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]</p>

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