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I am asking the community on this board for a moritorium on demands for new patches and modifications. As an Eastern Front buff, I really want the next game to be released. Do I want individual rifle squads listed in the "support" section of the editor? YES! Still, this would delay the game. I want to kill German Fascist Invaders by Christmas!


"Rinky dinky stinky thinky"

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I have to agree. (and I'm not even an EAST FRONT fan.)

Besides fixes for any major bugs that crop up, I really don't think we need any more tweaking to CM. It's NEVER going to have everything possible in it. But that's OK, because it's certainly the very best thing out there right now.


Let's all just have fun playing it now, while we wait for the best Eastern Front game ever to arrive...

(I still don't really know what Moritorium means... and I'm a writer...)

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mr. Clark:

I still don't really know what Moritorium means and I'm a writer...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Moratorium should be easier on you.

Here goes:

Main Entry: mor·a·to·ri·um

Pronunciation: "mor-&-'tOr-E-&m, "mär-, -'tor-

Function: noun

Inflected Form(s): plural -riums or mor·a·to·ria /-E-&/

Etymology: New Latin, from Late Latin, neuter of moratorius dilatory, from Latin morari to delay, from mora delay

Date: 1875

1 a : a legally authorized period of delay in the performance of a legal obligation or the payment of a debt b : a waiting period set by an authority

2 : a suspension of activity


You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive.

Mark IV

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Roger that. With the release of the official TCP/IP patch and the elimination of a number of minor bugs, CMBO is as refined as it's likely to get. Time to get busy on those reds...


My P-47 is a pretty good ship

And she took a round coming 'cross the Channel last trip

I was thinking 'bout my baby and letting her rip

Always got me through so far...

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Guest Michael emrys

I guess it's up to me to post an objection. While I'd definitely like to see CM2 before the year is out, I also think refinements on CM1 could continue even if at a reduced pace. This would be especially true if, now that BTS is rolling in dough smile.gif, they would take on a second programmer. Of course, I would expect them to hold out until they found the right one, i.e. one who would fit smoothly into the BTS family.

But this will only retain momentum if we, the end users, maintain a constant litany of complaints, bitching, whining, and pathetic pleas for "just one more tweak".



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Right Michael, or a constant bird nest chirping for additions like cows in the fields, crows in the trees, or ducks in the ponds. Someone reads a book (it always starts with someone buying a book), and the next thing ya know there's an uproar clamor demanding pig pen bogs based on some account of General Snort's book on how his armor didn't make it to the battle of Hastings on time because of the volume of pig poop in the area.

Refinements, particularly refinements which will migrate over into CM2 are perfectly rational, even desirable, though I don't know how much it might detract from CM2 production because you have to by nature make sure any theoretical tweak in CM first works in application before porting it over to CM2. Personally I'm more worried about the consistency of calls for additions that are based on some very obscure reference in history and what sort of process is used to authenticate such claims, or calls for additions that end up with a immediately locked thread from the praises of those who stand in awe and admiration. smile.gif


"Gentlemen, you may be sure that of the three courses

open to the enemy, he will always choose the fourth."

-Field Marshal Count Helmuth von Moltke, (1848-1916)

[This message has been edited by Bruno Weiss (edited 01-14-2001).]

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Charles has stated that there will likely be a 1.1.1 patch. This is mostly because he found a bug that causes tungsten rounds to be much more powerful than they're supposed to be. Also, the changes to the Jumbo that were supposed to be in 1.1 but were stolen by gremlins.

Someone (I forget who) in another thread put it best: Keep suggesting improvements and let BTS decide if they go into CM1 or 2.


You've never heard music until you've heard the bleating of a gut-shot cesspooler. -Mark IV

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