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North Africa Mod

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Desert Fox-Desert Rats should be out next Friday. I finally dug up enough dough to get the website up and it's under heavy construction. You can have a look at the coming soon page at:


The mod's state of completion could be considered 95%. It must still be assembled from it's individual parts which currently reside on three hard drive's in two countries. The file transfers are hot and heavy right about now and the site's webmaster and myself are compiling the info in a couple of manners. One big, fat zip with all the terrain, vehicles, missions and whatnot as well as several smaller zips with the individual components.

Many thanks to you and everyone else who has shown interest in the project!



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FM Hauffmann, thanks for the interested in DFDR. But keep in mind that it covers much more than the desert. The battles run across northern Africa plus over to Crete, Sciliy, Italy, and even Greece. They are ALL based on/inspired by scenarios from the boardgame that cannot be mentioned. I need to write up briefings for them to finish them for sending to CLubfoot. I must admit that I had no test team and personally don't feelt hat testing them myself does a very good job but I did the best I could. I am sure that people will quickly voice their observations when I make mistakes.

Now the desert will be followed up by early war battles in France, Poland, Norway, and even Finland. I go these done but since they are simply based on these scenarios I am making little attempt to redress troops with new uniforms or langauges. For instance, I got a battle in which Finnish troops ambush Russian troops huddle for warmth in a small village. I am redoing the scenario using German SS for Finnish and British for Russians. It works well enough.


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