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Funny thing happened...expirimenting with exiting units...

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I made a custom scenario. It consisted of a straight road crossing the map, North to South. A small town was of to the left. There was an axis exit zone on the northern edge. The units consisted of 3 Tiger IE's for the Axis and about 20 Fighter-Bombers for the allies. I put an American Inf squad in the town just to avoid an automatic allied surrender.

Ok. I played as the axis. I ordered the Tigers to move fast down the road to exit the map. After two turns, they were on the verge of exiting when they came under attack from the planes.

This is where it gets strange. The Tigers where all able to exit safely...or so I thought. The fighters continued to "attack" the tanks, aiming for the off-map spot where they were ordered to stop when they exited. After a few turns, the routed crews ran from off-map into the cover of some on-map trees :eek: !!!!! After the planes had managed to eliminate them, and the game had ended I got an "axis surrender, minor axis victory" :eek: :eek: :eek: !!!!!!

What happened here!?!?!?

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Maybe they got thwacked by the off board arty batteries? hehehe

Seriously, perhaps planes are treated like in bound arty. A turn cannot end while the arty is in the air, so after 60 sec arty is still falling from the sky. Maybe while the planes are inbound the game cannot end and since they had selected their target the turn before, they're just following that target off the map. It's not like you could have done anything about it even if the Tigers were still on the map, so no big deal IMO. Still, kinda funny to see it happen.

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I've tried ordering vehicles to exit the map and then come straight back again, but it didn't work.

In reality, a vehicle wouldn't be safe from air attack just because it nipped off the map edge, so what happened is probably quite acceptable. A bit annoying, though, but you obviously need to beat the planes by a bigger margin. :)


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It was odd because the planes kept attacking the off-board and supposedly safe tanks for 10 turns!

I guess this isn't to bad. In reality there is no definite map edge, and in real life those Tigers would have been screwed.

[ 06-22-2001: Message edited by: Guy w/gun ]

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