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Victory Point Calculation Question

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If I take 500 pts. worth of Victory Locations and lose 500 pts. worth of units

doing it do I have a net gain of zero points if I inflicted zero casualties on the enemy?

I know this is an impossible situation but I'm trying to get a handle on the scoring calculations. It seems to me that some VLs just aren't worth taking if they are too heavily defended. Does anybody actually know how scoring is calculated? The manual is very vague. Thanks!

Treeburst155 out.

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You have it about right. For the moment, leave out the complication of exit conditions. This is how it seems to work, based on my observations anyway (corrections welcome).

Add up all the objectives, your force points, and the enemy force points. That is the total "pool" of points, and serves as the *divisor* for victory level calculations. The remaining procedures do not change this divisor.

Award the objectives to the side that controls them, or to neither if abandoned or contested. Live guys to the side that owns them, dead guys to the enemy side. Some units seem to be awarded to neither - either guys that run off the map, or broken/routed units still on the map, or both - I am not sure about those, but there seems to be such a category. This forms the numerator for each side, with the total of the two numerators, less than or equal to the denominator from step one.

Divide each sides numerator, by the one common denominator. That is the victory level for that side, in percent.

If you kill an enemy platoon, lose a friendly platoon, and take an enemy-held objective in the process, then you will increase your score by the possession of the objective, passing from the enemy column to your own. The lost men will "net" to no change (+/- the difference in point value of the platoons).

But if you kill nobody and lose a platoon, then the objective will pass from the enemy column to your own, while your platoon's value passes from your column to his. Net, you will not gain anything. (+/- the difference in price, platoon vs. 100 pt small flag that is).

Roughly, the small flags are worth 1 vanilla platoon or 1 vanilla armored vehicle - a little less for some common types. The large flags are worth 3 times that. But e.g. if you lost a U.S. company to take one, and only killed a platoon in the process, then you are behind for the exchange.

With exit conditions it is a little more complicated, but as near as I can tell it works like this. There is an additional award for units marked "should exit for points", that goes into the denominator calculation. The amount is 2x the point cost of the unit, for whatever units are marked "should exit for points". This is in addition to the normal "life" value of the unit.

If the unit exits, the exiter gets those points. If it does not exit, the other side gets those points. Points for killing the unit are additional. So, say there is a Sherman worth 120 points marked "should exit". Then at start up, it counts for 360 points - 120 life, 240 exit. If it lives and exits, all of these points go to the exiter. If it dies and thus fails to exit, then all of them go to the other side. If it lives but does not exit, then the owner gets the "life" 120, the other side gets the "didn't exit" 240, for a net result of 120 on the side trying to prevent exit.

As you can see, exit conditions can heavily dominate when present, if *most* of one force is given exit conditions, and succeeds or fails en bloc. If only about half of the forces marked "should exit", manage to, then the exit results have no net effect on the numerators. The exit VC still raises the denominator though, so the result of such a "half exit, half don't" will be nearer to a draw, than it would be without the exit VC.

It is worth doing a lot to fufill the exit conditions you are given, therefore - or to stop the other guy from fufilling his exit conditions. Conceptually, with exit VCs the critical battle is going to take place off the map someplace else. Whether forces arrive there or not, is more decisive than what happens on-map. (Or rather, the most decisive thing on-map, is how it will effect that other battle).

I hope this helps.

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What he said. One other thing: arty spotters are definately not worth as much as they cost. That is, if you kill, say, a 200 point arty spotter, it only counts for around 30 points, about as much as a squad. (I did a test smile.gif ) It makes sense, since you didn't really take out the artillery, just the spotter.


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My problem of understanding:

The attacker has more troops then the defender, because his expected casualities are much higher.

So for example: we have only one small flag, worth 100p. The attacker (4500pp) takes the flag, both sides (defender 3000pp) loose the half of their forces:

Attacker = -2250 (own casualities) +1500 (enemy casualities) + 100 (victory location)

= -650 score for the attacker

Defender = -1500 (own...) +2250 (enemy...) = +750 score for the defender

That doesn't appears to be okay, but I'm really not sure about this.


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[This message has been edited by Scipio (edited 04-02-2001).]

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