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HMG/HT combo

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Excuse me for asking, and I do so only after reading some sharp statements on this board regarding the deployment of large numbers of Jeep MGs simultaneously in an offensive role, and also because I am still a lowly Junior Member, but would the use of three Halftracks each loaded with two .50 cal MGs and employed in a group as instant massive firepower providers, plus a Utility Vehicle with an appropriate HQ who need not even disembark (= 10 HMGs deployed and firing away within less than a minute), be considered bad form?

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That would be rather historically accurate. The US Army loved using the massed firepower of HTs on any sniper dumb enough to take a pot shot at a column.

The 'Gamey Jeep Recon' thread you probably saw regards people sending fast moving jeeps thru enemy lines on suicide missions to find hidden units.


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