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Idea for QB random unit picking system in CM2.

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I have an idea to remedy one of the problems I have with QBs in CM. When I play against the AI and it's a ME or I defend, I rarely loose (unless the comp picks all units) I do not attribute this to skill whatsoever. Let me explain why.

I feel the random unit picking feature in CM is flawed. The reason why I, and probably many others win is due to the way the units are chosen. Example: I play a 1500 point ME against the AI. I have three options, let me pick my forces, AI chooses it's, I pick all forces, AI picks all forces.

And therein lies the problem. If I pick everything, I know exactly what to expect and so an easy win is within my grasp. If I let the AI pick its forces and I choose my own, I end up sending my Mk IVs, StuGs, and Panther up against the crap the AI picks (LOTS of halftracks, a very few # of crappy tanks, jeeps, and almost no arty).

If I let the AI pick everything, it often evens the odds. But it still sucks to have to pit the oddball units the AI decides upon against each other. And more often then not, either I or the AI gets a really crappy pick of units and the other gets a decent one.

My solution is to allow the player a little say in what is randomly drawn. Maybe he or she could specify "All tanks" and "No vehicles", for example. The main problem seems to be between armor and vehicles, as the AI seems inept and tellin the difference between a Kubelwagon and a Tiger.


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I actually like the way the AI picks units, I want the zany wierd setups. I find them very challenging at times as I end up having to work at making the attack/defence work with less than optimal elements. When I let the AI pick, what it picks is just fine.

In regards to your picks versus the AIs, I can assure you that Panthers (or other "choice" units) were not available to every comander whenever he wanted them. My only wish is that I would like the AI to be able to provide a true representation of the OOB for each side when it picks.

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There is another option availible when choosing units that you have not thought about:

YOU choose the units for the a.i. and the computer chooses yours. This is more challenging then you might think. See my topic: "A good single player system". Give it a try and see if it helps.


George III

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