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dd grided grass ...for those who are interested

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i have made a gridded grass and it is low res for no slowdowns its a dark blue grid that shows elevation by displaying dark blue for low areas and lighter blue for higher areas...both sets are the same size so you can install both and not have to worry about matching the horizon...any way....if there is enough interest in this mod ill send it to matt and youll have too bug him to post it...



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Guest hal9000

YES DD!!!!! Just what I've been waiting for! I really like the look of your grass, but it's hard to determine slight changes in elevation at view level 4. Any screenshots? How about a hi-res version?

Thanks smile.gif

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Send em here DD,

We'll have a "DD day" wink.gif while I'm comparing your Uniforms too.

Edit: DD I'm having EMail troubles here at home ATM (snowstorm), can you send me your Feld Grau uniform mod too, I'll include that comparison with the camo one.




CM Outpost

[This message has been edited by DraGoon (edited 02-06-2001).]

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By the way DD, please e-mail me if you'd like to give my terrain gridder a try... I think it was your original terrain that made me want to write the utility in the first place.

(To anyone else who may be interested in the utility, I'll make it available real soon now; first I'd like to get feedback from the modders.....)

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