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PBEM Skipped at turn...

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Had it happen to me once before, and then got some enemy Infantry and tanks in a very odd place all of a sudden, and others up my flank like a miracle. Finished the game, and never played another one with that opponent. Can't even recall their username now though...

Sounds fishy if you ask me.

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Are you sure that you didn't just hit GO by accident? I know I have done that before and I have also inadvertantly sent the same turn twice :( . Not to question your ability to hit return ;) but this has never come up, and ALOT of pbem games have been played.

BTS modified the pbem process early on before the Gold Demo to have the turn processed on the other persons computer and then sent to be seen and then returned to be seen. This was to prevent repeatedly running until you got what you thought was a good outcome. This added another out and back emailling.

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Karl, no I'm fairly certain I didn't accidently hit go, I had already played a couple of turns with that opponent AND several turns with other opponents that night and I was on the "swing" of the turn progression; both times it happened I was attempting to give orders and wondering if my spacebar had gone bad. smile.gif Then I noticed that the VCR buttons were up. Pretty odd. Specially considering that both times it happened I was in the position to move my tank in for a kill on his tank, but I watched in the replay as his tank telepathically read my intents and backed away. I can send you the turn files in question if you are interested in seeing what I'm talking about.

Very strange. I'll give him the benefit of doubt and blame myself instead.


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