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cat among the pigeons,whos kidding who ?

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Ive noticed in two recent posts that "Gunny Bunny"posts a fairly contentious remark about CMBO and its graphical appearance,seemingly inviting comment,and then never posts again in the same topic.Is he just taking the piss?Trying to see who will take the bait(I already have on one ocassion)then sitting back laughing?Maybe if we just ignored his next post(assuming its on the same topic)he might go away.Im not suggesting that there is no room for constructive debate on the forum,far from it,its what makes the place worth its daily visit,but surely that should involve some response to the furore that you have spawned.I dont know,maybe im just being naive.

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Gunny spends his time on his pet newsgroup, alt.games.combat-mission . He just drops in here every now and again either to advertise his group, or rant about graphics for the Nth time. Here's a quote from one of his latest posts over on UseNet:

Gunny Bunny wrote:

> I can see there are allot of BTS party-soldiers which have infiltrated the ng. I shall have to set more anti-personnel mines around the perimeter.

> [...]

> Right now I wouldn't recommend buying CM2,unless they are willing to improve the program. Seems like they are just in it for the money !

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I'm not implying he or anyone else is trying to get a rise out of or create problems for anyone here but the best tactic for dealing with anyone who seems to be seeking attention in a negative way is to simply ignore them. To quote one fellow netizen "Ignore them to death" Thats my philosophy on dealing with so called trouble makers and snerts on the Internet.


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Guest Michael emrys

Originally posted by David Aitken:

[quoting Gunny Bunny]

Seems like they are just in it for the money !

Good grief! Did someone use the word 'naïve'? rolleyes.gif


[This message has been edited by Michael emrys (edited 01-28-2001).]

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Originally posted by David Aitken:

Gunny spends his time on his pet newsgroup, Here's a quote from one of his latest posts over on UseNet:

> Right now I wouldn't recommend buying CM2,unless they are willing to improve the program. Seems like they are just in it for the money !

In almost 20 years of playing games of all types on home computers(from my C64 onwards)I would have to say that CMBO is the nearest I have got to perfection.If BTS were in it just for the money they would have sold out to a major Publisher/distributor who would now be forcing them to produce an unfinished,untested CMBO 2 to shift some units and make some money,"B17-The Mighty Eighth"anyone?(and yes,I do own that sad "what-could-have-been" of a game)

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Originally posted by David Aitken:

Gunny spends his time on his pet newsgroup, alt.games.combat-mission . He just drops in here every now and again either to advertise his group, or rant about graphics for the Nth time.

He does the same thing over on a.g.c-m. He pops up, makes a few derogatory statements about the graphics. Gets buried in explanations and challenges to define his issues and then disappears for a while.

He's good for laughs, which I guess is why people over there alost always feed the troll. Was nice to tell Fionn that he didn't know what he was talking about and that he had a name like a girl and of course girls couldn't play a wargame... You could almost see the rest of the news group fall out of their chairs laughing.

The newsgroup is not anywhere near as active as here, but some good discussion gets done there and it serves as a good place for newcomers to get a friendly pointer here and to cmhq for more informaiton.

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Originally posted by crepitis:

In almost 20 years of playing games of all types on home computers(from my C64 onwards)I would have to say that CMBO is the nearest I have got to perfection.If BTS were in it just for the money they would have sold out to a major Publisher/distributor who would now be forcing them to produce an unfinished,untested CMBO 2 to shift some units and make some money,"B17-The Mighty Eighth"anyone?(and yes,I do own that sad "what-could-have-been" of a game)

There is an online petition about B-17 II, but unfortunately someone who signed it said that Hasbro is no longer responsible for computer gaming and they sold their interests in that to someone else. Pity - I signed it because of Squad Leader.

I had the first B-17 and wasn't all that impressed - one hit on an enemy fighter and he went down like a dog. I was racking up more kills as a tail gunner than most fighter pilots did. And I don't think I ever once landed the stupid thing without crashing it. The navigation was fun to do, though.

What problems did B-17 II have? I've read a bit about it but all I get are horror stories and no real inside dope. Would you mind expanding?

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His record so far is one useful post and 12 rails against censorship or complaints about graphics. The big problem is he comes on and drops his little comments, and if ignored it would disapeer, but almost always someone will post, "Yeah BTS -- yur graphs suck, Pls comment" and then there are 8 lurkers here for each poster and they may or may not understand Gunny Bunny has zero graps of facts. The best thing would be one or two reasoned responses and then letting the topic sit dormant.

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Michael, B17 2 is a real shame.Theres a great game in there trying to get out.The game has major problems, with repeated crashes to desktop being by far the most common.There is also an horendous drawing-in time for the cloud and terrain graphics everytime you change views(internal or external)I have a fairly respectable setup,I think,(T/bird 800,256 meg ram,Voodoo 5500)and I still struggle to run the game at an acceptable level.Opinion on the B17 2 boards is really divided between those who defend the game in spite of its flaws,("hey,its all weve got!")and those who are frustrated because they can see the game it could have been,only to have been rushed out in an unfinished state to catch the Christmas market.There is talk of a patch being released soo,so I'll keep my fingers crossed.

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Guest KwazyDog

Creptis, just so you know the patch is due out on Feb 1. They havnt said what will be in it yet though, so its anyones guess.


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Originally posted by Sherman:

What that supposed to mean?

Back in the days of the CB Radio as a common and even pop culture form of communication, I had one. It was a great way of learning the conditions of the road ahead, or passing time on long road trips, and of just forming a community of radio users. My handle, based on a story I had written, was the same then as now. Eventually, an online (radio) community formed that could talk about issues ranging from a speed trap in I-75 to weather, to a broken down motorist needing help, to congratulations on a birthday or birth of a kid.

Soon however, there was a new type of person on the radio -- what we called "baby breakers". A baby breaker came on line and made dirty jokes, told motorist about speed traps that did not exist or clear road that was filled with speed traps. Soon they began reporting road side accidents, motorists in need of help, and rumors that the Temple Terrace police department was willing to take homosexual favors in exchange for fixing tickets, all not true.

Most, if not all of these people turned out to be very young, which is how they got there name. 15 year olds with radios. Now as I said not to long after my 17th birthday I was a television director, my father on his way to Vietnam, and my grandfather had a kid and a farm. Nothing wrong with youth, but as can be seen with Manieri and now with Gunny Bunny 15 year olds, even when they claim a higher age, can be major drains on a communicatiomn system if they are not mature in its use.

Generally, there was two things to do about a baby breaker, ignore them or move to a new channel. Well, BTS has only one channel for open conversation (the Beta area is different by nature) so moving to a higher channel or side band is not possible. Ignoring them is possinle except that in doing so a lot of people new to the forum will read there tripe and thing BTS is slack in making graphics (they are not -- as has been explained) or whatever baseless accusation was made. It is harder for BTS to correct a misconception than make sure it never comes about in the first place.

So the ideal is to treat a flamer by just writing DNFTT -- while someone like Gunny just has to be corrected until he gets himself banned for endless stupid posts (If BTS knew he had 6 posts of the same topic all banned by different people on the staff they would likely have already dumped him).

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Originally posted by Slapdragon:

Most, if not all of these people turned out to be very young, which is how they got there name. 15 year olds with radios. Now as I said not to long after my 17th birthday I was a television director, my father on his way to Vietnam, and my grandfather had a kid and a farm. Nothing wrong with youth, but as can be seen with Manieri and now with Gunny Bunny 15 year olds, even when they claim a higher age, can be major drains on a communicatiomn system if they are not mature in its use.

Slapdragon, I believe you forgot to mention all the young people on the CB nets who were not "baby breakers." I happen to be 18, and was 17 when I joined this forum. In my opinion, your post on "those crazy punk kids with no respect for their elders" is disrespectful to many young people, myself included. Admit it, there were adults who gave irritating, annoying, and misleading advice on the radios, just as there are adults who are irritating and annoying on this forum.


Well my skiff's a twenty dollar boat, And I hope to God she stays afloat.

But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

And pray my body will be found, Alaska salmon fishing, boys, Alaska salmon fishing.

-Commercial fishing in Kodiak, Alaska

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Originally posted by 109 Gustav:

Slapdragon, I believe you forgot to mention all the young people on the CB nets who were not "baby breakers." I happen to be 18, and was 17 when I joined this forum. In my opinion, your post on "those crazy punk kids with no respect for their elders" is disrespectful to many young people, myself included. Admit it, there were adults who gave irritating, annoying, and misleading advice on the radios, just as there are adults who are irritating and annoying on this forum.

The beauty of it is though Gustav is that on the Internet, if no one can guess you are 15, then run with it and be happy. And as Weiss and I agreed on another list, several "adults" on this list are not very grown up. Look at the Trolls who break into a good debate and say, "you are a lier" or some other personal attack that is totally not warranted (some are in that they further discussion of a subject -- such as Henri's questioning of myself on my tactics in debate).

GB may be 75 for all I know -- but he acts like a very spoiled 15 so why not label him as such. You may be 18 but no one would guess, so why worry. I was asked in two e-mails on 4 posts if I was black -- implying that the views I hold are somehow related to my race (a silly notion), but it just shows you are how you act.

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Originally posted by Slapdragon:

GB may be 75 for all I know -- but he acts like a very spoiled 15 so why not label him as such.

You shouldn't label him as such because it really is unfair to other 15 year olds. Label him immature, that's a far more accurate definition of people like Gunny of any age, from 2 to 202, and you aren't offending anyone else.


Well my skiff's a twenty dollar boat, And I hope to God she stays afloat.

But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

And pray my body will be found, Alaska salmon fishing, boys, Alaska salmon fishing.

-Commercial fishing in Kodiak, Alaska

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A mature debate on this forum shouldnt really have too much to do with age.The elder of my two sons is aged seven but I'd rather have a conversation with him than with a lot of the guys I work with.But then maybe I'm just biased.At the end of the day even the guy with most posts on this forum must have made a first post at sometime.I havent really been around on the forum all that long,but already I've noticed a lot more personal attacks and bitching lately.

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