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Ahhhh!! perimiters : how do U do them ?

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Every time I make a perimiter where units are supose to set up I might have well not have bothered.

They end up spread along one side, is this what "setting up a perimiter"is supose to be like ??

If you know hoe to make these blasted units follow orders please e mail me as to the how, I'd greatly appreciate it


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A perimiter is a very useful tool, indeed! First put your piece of wood in the perimiter box and secure it firmly. Then extend the perimiter until it is at its full height. Finally, slide the blade of your perisaw into the desired kerf and you should easily be able to properly prepare your joint. (If you don't have a perisaw, you can improvise one by lashing a handsaw to a broomstick.)


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Assuming you are talking about scenario design, after you have created your setup zones and chosen your forces you need to go back and preview the map. You will see the troops lined up along the map edges. Place the troops where you want them. You can padlock them in place so that neither human players or the AI can relocate them during scenario setup (check the manual on how to do this, because I don't remember.) Save your scenario (make sure you save it in the Scenario folder and not in the Saved Games folder, otherwise when you play the scenario and save you will overwrite the original setup), and when you load it from the menu you will see the troops where you put them as long as choose Stick to Scenario Default.

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