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Flak gun spotting

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I've been trying to do a search on this topic (which I'm sure was ocvered previously) for several days, but the "search" function seems to be down (can't reach the server that handles the questions). Anyway, here it is: why are the 20mm German flak gun so darn difficult to spot? I hear them, they hit my units, but unless I have a unit very close, it seems impossible to pinpoint their position.

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I'm just guessing, but I'd say it has something to do with the fact that the single-barrel 20mm weapon had an extremely low in-action height. The gun's trunnions were set low as I recall and the profile was quite near the ground if it were taken of it's little trailer. It shouldn't be too much higher off the ground than a heavy machinegun, making the 20mm quite low for a crew-served cannon.

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