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request for CM2...

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Last night I finnaly encountered a QB computer picked force which I had heard ever so much about. A force that contained no AT weapons...no shrecks no AT guns...just two 20 mm halftracks and a hotchkiss. Now some could say that I need to out flank the enemy or shoot him in the rear or something like that, but when your faced with two Sherman III's ahead of you and your hotchkiss decides that its getting out of there after trying to engage a clean LOS shot form the rear. My hotchkiss which was my greatest AT ability out flanked the sherman from the rear and she still bugged out. (this was not too my surprise however, it was for more for ****s and giggles sort of thing) The lowly Hotchkiss has but only a measly 40mm of armor penetration ability at 100m. Needless to say the hotchkiss self disengaged after pinging a deflected shot off the shermans rear.

So...what I would like to see is more play balanced computer picked games, if that is possible.

[ 04-30-2001: Message edited by: Panther131 ]

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