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Soviet uniform question

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In various photos, I see Red army soldiers where the peasant blouse uniform but I have seen in later photos of Red Army troops wearing a pleated jacket type of outfit as well. Does anyone know what model uniform this is? The troops that wear them seem to be assault troops. Was this uniform somehow specific to these Soviet assault squads? Thanks for any info.

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The early style peasant blouse was replaced halfway through the war with brand new uniforms in which rank insignia was more obvious; under Communism, everyone was considered more or less equal - and so the desire was initially to have insignia that was not obtrusive. As a morale measure, the new uniforms had stand up collars and the traditional style of shoulder boards.

The padded jacket was a winter uniform; the peasant blouse, and the new uniform that replaced it, were summer uniforms.

None of these uniforms were specific to any kinds of troops.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MikeT:

What is interesting is that naval infantry still have their own unique uniform. They retained a blue and white striped shirt they wore under the jacket.


Wasn't their whole uniform black?

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Are you talking about the padded/quilted jackets that were used in wintertime? They are telogreika and were basically winterwear. By Stalingrad they started to become more common.

[ 05-07-2001: Message edited by: Grisha ]

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According to The Red Army Handbook:

"Soviet naval infantry formations were best known for their traditional sailor's garb. But as the war dragged on, Soviet naval infantry formations gradually adopted the uniform and equipment of the Army which proved more practical in harsh winter conditions. . . ."

To Grisha:

I am not sure what time of year it is. I think one picture that I saw it was one in which some assault units in Berlin were wearing it. I could be mistaken though.

[ 05-07-2001: Message edited by: Commissar ]

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