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The Sun Never Sets on the Peng Challenge Thread

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And so it came to pass that another 300 post-limit was met, and now the outerboards, in fear of cess seepage, demand a new pool to be dug. We have chosen the land of Avalon, of blue-faced warriors and men in dresses for this weeks focus. Tally-ho! It's a cess-pool in the United Kingdoms (once a great empire, but now a rather drab set of islands -- oh and Canada or something.)

In this pit we call home, there are a few rules, and one prime directive. Of course, these rules and directive do not apply to us, but only to the GITs foolish enough to actually read this, the numero uno post. Below, they are defined:

Prime Directive:

Sod off! We don't want you here, you are not welcome, you will NOT have a nice stay, so please do yourselves and us a favor and leave this place now. We don't know you, we don't like you, and we never will.

Rule Number 1:

If you simply must stay, then challenge some one to a duel. You will be ignored, so challenge them again, or perhaps pick another for your feeble finger pointing. Friendly advice: don't bother with the stuffed shirts (Kaniggets) as they stopped playing scum sucking newbies (i.e. YOU long ago. Pick on someone more to your stature, I suggest Mrspkr.

Rule 1, part B: When challenging, be SPECIFIC! Do not rail against the cess as a whole, but pick out a singular individual, preferably one asleep or at least drunk.

Of course, you will be ignored, so don't think you're actually going to get a game out of it, but if you do it long enough, some one might slip up and actually accept.

Rule B

Sound off like ya got a pair! A pair of what you might ask: well if I need to tell you, then you don't have them so you might as well leave now.

No one likes scum sucking newbies (heretofor abbreviated to SSN's but everyone PARTICULARLY dislikes weak namby-panbie SSN's So show a little mettle, a little fortitude and...

Rule B, part 9:

Half a brain!!! We are a group of preudo-intellectual, philosophically minded intelligentsia pinko's who think we are smarter than every one else, so if you have an ounce of wit and can lie a lot, you are more likely (that being an iota above zero-chance) to be accepted.

Following along those lines, it must be noted that we do not appreciate hard data as to the effectiveness of a short barreled L75, nor do we believe that the SMG was improperly modeled in CM. We could care less that the lates mod of the Puma by Marco shows the proper 6-wheeled chassis with inner axles, and finally, we do not like you.

Please, if you are still reading this Sod off! We really do not want you here, and this is the last time any member of the cess pool will speak (write?) directly to you. And even though I am using "you" I am still not writing directly to you, because I don't know if you're reading this. I sure hope not!

Sod off, ya gits!

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There has been much bitterness in the Pool of late ... I blame the Liquid Plumber but who can say for sure. It is true that mouse has overstepped his bounds on many an occassion, it is true that the members of the CessPool have been led to ire by his remarks, it is true that STRENUOUS efforts at correction have been attempted, but I say the time for recrimination has passed. Was it not Seanachai himself who said "Let he among us who is without Sten cast the first grenade." It WASN'T ... really ... what DID he say? ... REALLY ... my ... that was rude.

Nonetheless I note that mouse is an official Squire of the CessPool and therefore eligible to start a new Peng Challenge Thread. I note also that BTS has locked the prior incarnation and has ordered a new one. I note that Leeo did NOT start a new thread but only asked that THIS thread NOT be attended. I note that mouse DID post the appropriate warnings in a new and effective manner and I note that the thread title is correct ... if not inspired.

Therefore I say we should give mouse another chance and accept this as the latest incarnation of the Mutha Beautiful Thread. Should he fall back on his evil ways (even after MrSpkr's attempt at exorcism), we can always start a NEW thread.

I note also with great pleasure the elevation of Speedbump, my loyal and trusty squire, to the ranks of Knighthood, welcome indeed Sir Speedbump it's ... {choke} gratifying to see ... {sob} ... I'm sorry, it's just like seeing your kids take that first successful trip to the bathroom, why he even flushed.

I also approve of the elevation of Sir MrSpkr to Knighthood and welcome him to the fraternity ... as soon as his check clears.

Carry on.


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I knew I should have insisted on that obsidian sliver and driven a stake through his black . . . umm, your not recording this, are you?

Anyway, he did follow the rules much better than someone else who ought to know better and even has a theme location set (though why ANYONE would want to go to the land of fuzzy teeth is beyond me), so, I propose we accept this as the new incarnation of the MBT. Remember, he's been exorcised (no, Mace that has nothing to do with fitness machines!) so he might just be a little bit different than he was before.

Or not, who knows?

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Joe Shaw I weas mistaken about you. Once upon a time I cursorarily wrote you off as a somewhat bright but dull fellow, lacking in wits what you made up for in general all-rightness. I see now how badly misaken I was.

Joe Shaw, sir, you are a complete and utter twit, lacking in both morals and spine. You are pandering to the point of embarrassment to your peers (the few) and you are indecisive to the point of non-action. You sir are a boob and a nincompoop.

Why anyone would ever listen to you (they don't!) is beyond me. You give and take your meager affirmations with a speed and alacrity that makes one wonder what you truly believe. I for one have decided that you believe NOTHING, believe in NOTHING and are totally UNBELIEVABLE.

I cannot express my new-found disgust and loathing with you any more succinctly than by the simple words: "Send me a set-up." Uggh, that I could even partake in such a game with you fills me with disgust, but I see no other way.

I loathe your presence in the way that one might loathe the cockroach that scurries under the stove. To quick to crush under foot, but too slow to be anonymous.

To even direct this to you sickens me, for I am sure that you will reply "Sure let's play" one minute, and the second that one of your betters (not by much mind you!) comes along and tells you tyo knock it off, you will, with chest pumped up come right back with "Play you - ha! That'll be the day." So, knowing this, I will wait till your third or fourth round about the same decision (to meet me on the field of battle) at which point I will SEND YOU A SET-UP you ninny!

[ 06-23-2001: Message edited by: Panzer Leader ]

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A short, portly Kraut-Mick is dragged from his hiding place and pushed in front of the camera

Col Sanders: [groggily] "What in the name of..."

Mouse shoves a crumpled piece of paper into his hand

Mouse: "Just read this!"

KFC: [reading] "I did not have sexual relations with that woman..."

Mouse snatches the paper back from the Col.

Mouse: "Heh, wrong paper... Try this one."

Col. takes the proferred sheet of paper

KFC: [scans document] "This is Microsoft's latest End-User Licence, stating, among other things that they are not responsible for any damage they do to my computer and granting them exlusive license and control over my soul. Eh, Berli ain't gonna like that one..."

Mouse snaps the paper out of his hand, and replaces it with a third and final sheet

KFC: It says:


Mouse plaintively squeaked:

If you post to my new MBT, I'll surrender my last few broken hampstertruppen, and the gun crews gamily defending my hill with sticks and small rocks. Just post to my thread, PLEEEEEEEASSE???


Aww hell, Mouse, I never could stand to see a grown man whine.

[ 06-23-2001: Message edited by: Col. Sanders ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Joe Shaw I weas mistaken about you. Once upon a time I cursorarily wrote you off as a somewhat bright but dull fellow, lacking in wits what you made up for in general all-rightness. I see now how badly misaken I

was.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You were mistaken, but about the wrong thing. You see mouse, There Can Be Only One ... Peng Challenge Thread that is. We have, in the past, been in some degree of hot water over more than one Peng Thread at a given time. That the hand off on this one was fumbled is unfortunate but true. With the majority of early posts going to Leeo's thread I decided to "do the right thing" and withdraw my acceptance of your thread ... relatively well done though it was. In short, tough beans old man, stiff upper lip and all that.

As to your challenge ... I have a couple of attornies ahead of you on my list ... that should give you some idea of your place in the scheme of things.


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Yes well, ol' Joe the majority that you point to happen to be made up of your own assinine posts in the main. The rest of them of course are just the bickerings of old women. Besides, I don't care for your whining excuses. I don't need your pathetic reasons. I want your head on a platter.

It is not the law you must grapple with, old man, it is the fundamental question of right vs wrong, and in that dilemma I am convinced that you will choose ill. I do not care for your laws and lawyers, I want to see your head on my mantle, or at least to fall before your wicked guns with the dying scream of "We fought against evil" echoing across the pixellated hills and fields of battle.

I assume that you will have a change of heart soon, so will hold off sending you a set up for a while.

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