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Can Roadblocks double as Anti-Tank Ditches?

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Has anyone tried to use roadblocks as a subsitute for AT ditches, especially with regards to historical scenarios? I want to simulate an action where the ditches not only served as an impediment to movement, but also as shelter by enemy infantry. Will a roadblock in open ground confer much concealment or protective cover to infantry behind it? Will a row of them viewed obliquely destroy LOS? An actual trench would not, of course.

I've also tried setting a really deep row of terrain squares which seems to work fine - the infantry can still fight out of them, despite being 10 or 15 metres deep but was just wondering if anyone came up with a more elegant way of simulating them.

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Marsh or rough might work well- blocks tanks and gives cover for inf.


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But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

And pray my body will be found, Alaska salmon fishing, boys, Alaska salmon fishing.

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Originally posted by Pak40:

I don't think roadblocks have any cover or concealment bonuses. Do a search, I've seen this talked about before.

He's correct.

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