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Can cross fire kill your own infantry?

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Did the requisite search on cross fire, but most of it had to do with green troops at night or tank round ricochets. What I want to know is, if you put two squads or two MG teams facing each other, then put a enemy unit right in between them, is there a possibility that bullets from one squad will miss the enemy and kill the good guys on the other side? I know projectile rounds are tracked (except mortar rounds) and I know one tank can fire through another friendly tank and one infantry squad can fire "through" another infantry squad, but what I'm not sure about is whether bullets are tracked.

If one green troop can target another green troop, then I'm guessing it's abstracted such that you can only kill what you target as far as small arms fire goes.

The reason I'm asking is because I'm planning an assault on a copse of trees and I plan to come from all directions. The fighting will take place with a 50 square meter area. If my guys can inadvertently kill my guys with small arms fire, then I'll stagger the attack. Otherwise, it's balls to the wall baby.


Jeff Abbott

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Whether it is modeled or not, that sounds a little gamey . . . I'd give a long, slow stare at a Cpt who ordered me on that move.

On a large scale, sure . . . but on just a "copse of trees"? Little close there.


"The Secret of the Empire was revealed: an emperor, it seemed, could be made outside of Rome"

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Gamey?! Assaulting a copse of trees with a company of troops from all directions is gamey? That's ridiculous.

As it turns out, we're on the last 8 turns, he has a platoon in the trees and the last VL is in those trees. He's guarding it. I want it. I have no choice but to assault the trees.

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It's my understanding that smallarms fire stops (more or less) at its intended target. Thus, if you have more friendly troops on the far side of the target, they will be safe if they are far enough away.

How far is that? It seems to vary with the visibility conditions and the quality of the firing units. Smallarms fire seems to be modeled somewhat as an area weapon and the situational variables seem to change the size and shape of the area affected. At least that's my conclusion from observations.

However, while I can't give you a general rule, I can give you 3 specific instances apart from mistaken identity at night where you can get friendly fire small arms casualties:

1. MG Grazing Fire

When you fire an MG at a target, all units between the MG and the target are subject to the fire. Thus, if you have your MG shooting from behind your own troops, or your troops cross its LOF just when it fires a burst, you can lose some guys.

2. Negligent Grenading

In very close and confused firefights like in dense woods and buildings, friendly troops sometimes toss grenades into each other when they miss their intended targets. Also, it seems sometimes grenades can roll downhill back into the unit that threw them uphill.

3. Negligent Shooting

This seems only to happen to low-quality troops in low-visibility situations. If you have a green platoon with its squads close enough together to provide mutual support at night or in fog, you often take casualties every time they fire, even if their direction of fire is perpendicular to the line of the platoon. Example: a zook team triggers an ambush set by a green platoon at night. All squads open up with their LOFs not crossing each other, and the zookers die w/out firing a shot. But a quick headcount afterwards shows you lost maybe 4-5 guys to your own bullets. It seems green troops at night spray rounds in all directions, sometimes even towards the enemy smile.gif Problem is, this is wide open to gamey exploitation.



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The only way I've killed my own guys so far is to have artillery shorts. I had a 14" barrage take out an entire platoon.

I forgot. I had a squad fire at another squad from the same side in heavy fog.


Blessed be the Lord my strength who teaches my hands to war and my fingers to fight.

[This message has been edited by Wayne (edited 01-13-2001).]

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What's really nasty is when 11 newly captured enemy Prisoners Of War are accidentally shot by an errant MG team... frown.gif

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"Umm... Yo no hablo ingles? Heh... heh... oh boy..."


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