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LOS through buildings

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My father and I are playing the Desobry Operation. Two turns in two or three of his Shermans have been destroyed. The problem is that all of the tanks were clearly out of LOS "behind" a small building or two. The red target line goes straight through the building and two of it's walls. As near as I can tell my attacking units are on flat ground, level with the defending tanks. What gives? We both have updated versions of the game and have not had this problem in any of the other scenarios we've played.

On an unrelated topic, we just finished the Clash of Eagles 50 turn mamoth and had a blast with it. Everyone should try it.


Matt Witten

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Depending upon what's firing and what the cover is it is possible to fire right through small buildings and hit whatever is immediately behind them. The tank or gun shooting may not have LOS to you, but his buddies might. The firing tank might've seen you move there, too. It might even be targeting a sound contact. Such are the joys of the current spotting system. What one sees, all see.

As for playing CM with your father, I and many others wish we had your good fortune. Happy the man whose dad wargames with him!


John Kettler

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They could have been spotted through windows if they weren't spotted actually moving into position.And with accounts of AP rounds penetrating and passing through shermans, I'd imagine having one pass through a small wooden house and getting a kill isn't too far fetched.

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Guest Napoleon1944

I had this happen too. I had a Marder right next to a building on a hunt command. He targeted through the corner and kept hitting the building until he knocked himself out.

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