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How 1.1 saved my butt. Well, kinda...

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So I'm playing a certain scenario. I have a Sherman Jumbo 76 with only 2 tungsten shells. I start my Jumbo in a hull-down position. Turn starts, and a "Tiger?" appears immediately at 500m and fires an HMC near my Jumbo. The HMC backs down out of sight. In the meantime, my Jumbo spots the "Tiger?", fires, and misses horribly. The "Tiger?" then acquires the Jumbo as a target, fires... it's short. Two seconds later, the Jumbo fires again... front hull hit, richochet. Before the "Tiger?" could fire again, my Jumbo shot off one of its Tungsten rounds (since it had successfully bracketed the target already), and penetrated.

Now, previous to 1.1, I had tanks with plenty of Tungsten bouncing shells off the front of Panthers for multiple turns because they refused to use the Tungsten. Plus, 4 turns later, my troops identified the enemy "Tiger?" as a King Tiger!

All I can say is: "Wow, thanks BTS!" I would have been toast if my Jumbo didn't fire Tungsten when it did. I'm glad it didn't try to "conserve" it since it only had 2 rounds. smile.gif



"Liberty or Death?" Make it "Victory or Pretty Damned Badly Wounded", and I'm yours. - a prospective recruit during the American Revolution.

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My question is, has the new use of tungsten made the game one the whole MORE ballanced, or tipped the game in favour of the Allied TD's that carry tungsten. (they are now deadly when they hit first)

I really like playing the Allies, and it seems to me, either I'm getting alot better or luckier, or it is getting a little easier to win tank duals with big german tanks since the beta patches. I know the AI has gotten better, and I'm just comparing my win/loss record against the AI before the beta patches and after the beta patches.

I think tanks are more accurate now and there are alot more first shot hits. When the Allied tanks fire first I find they rarely miss at less than 500 m (same deal for the germans), my point is that all tanks now seem to only rarely miss their first shot at less than 500 meters and the Allied tanks seem to get the first shot off sooner, than the big slow german tanks. So that favours the Allies.

MANY broad gerneralities here I know.

But the bottom line is I don't think it is as diffucult to win with the Allies as it used to me and I'm wondering if folks out there that routinely choose the germans find it is not as easy to win now as it used to be?

Any comments?

Are my observations incorrect?


-tom w

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by aka_tom_w:

I think tanks are more accurate now and there are alot more first shot hits. When the Allied tanks fire first I find they rarely miss at less than 500 m (same deal for the germans), my point is that all tanks now seem to only rarely miss their first shot at less than 500 meters and the Allied tanks seem to get the first shot off sooner, than the big slow german tanks. So that favours the Allies.

MANY broad gerneralities here I know.

But the bottom line is I don't think it is as diffucult to win with the Allies as it used to me and I'm wondering if folks out there that routinely choose the germans find it is not as easy to win now as it used to be?

Any comments?

Are my observations incorrect?



Well either I'm incredibly UNlucky or I haven't noticed any significant change in chance to hit at short ranges with the new version. Just witnessed a turn where my Churchill VIII fired 3 shaped charge shots at a stationary PzIVH at UNDER 150M and missed every bloody time in the equivalent of 60 seconds of game time. Somewhat frustrating... frown.gif


Jim R.

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