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What new scenarios would you like to see?

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Woohoo! I just ordered the game, and while I'm waiting and going crazy, I was wondering what scenarios you think would be cool or fun to play. I want to know because the scenario editor was one of the many things (aka EVERYTHING in this game *drool*) that interested me.

So far I've planned a city map of some sort, maybe Caen. Then some ambush guerrilla war type map, where one side is going on a road that has forests on both sides, then the other team is in the woods but they get less troops due to there advantage. Think of A Bridge Too Far, where all the allied tanks are going on that one road and the germans have artillery and heavy machine guns in the woods.

If you can make bridges I'll probably make a bridge too far/operation market garden series. Arnhem, the road with all the tanks, etc.

Well, that's it. I think the waiting will kill me but atleast im getting it!

*does the jig*

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Guest Mr. Johnson-<THC>-

I would love to see Caen or those hills that the Germans were spotting from, but I can't find much good stuff on it. Other wise I got a cool road ambush map, chewing up a german cloumn.

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Guest Rommel22

A HUGE city fight, a city that is historical as the battle itself!!!

I am just facinated by door to door battles, would like to see that!

I have an idea! Someone make a map of Stalingrad!!! Please! I know it's not CM2 yet but the map would be awesome IMO!

Have the Mamayev Kurgan on there, the tractor factory, the landing stages, and everything alse!!!

There is a great site with pictures of Stlingrad, if you want to see here is the link!



Rommel22s Kampfgruppe site:


"I saw 5 Germans walking down the side of the road, so I followed them for a few yard to get closer. Then I shot them! Later that day I found out the war has been over for a few weeks." - someone

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battles based on poular movies...i am testing a dr strangelove one and would love to see ones based on "patton" battles. i was thinking about starting one with the part where the shermans run out of gas and "there's a kraut column up ahead"



Self-Proclaimed Keeper for Life of the Sacred Unofficial FAQ.

"They had their chance- they have not lead!" - GW Bush

"They had mechanical pencils- they have not...lead?" - Jon Stewart on The Daily Show

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I'd love to see some scenarios based on the exploits of the all black 769'th tank bn.

There's a book about them called "hit hard" lousy book, interesting story. I'd also like to see some mod maker take a shot at black face textures. Not holding my breath though, can't say for sure but I suspect the CM crowd is whiter than a garth Brooks concert.

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Once you make them, send your scenarios to The Last Defense- I'll host them all.


Well my skiff's a twenty dollar boat, And I hope to God she stays afloat.

But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

And pray my body will be found, Alaska salmon fishing, boys, Alaska salmon fishing.

The Last Defense- Free hosting for your CM pictures!

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