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Drunk Bazooka Operator (picture)

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Okay. I admit it. I know we've all seen this many times, but I still get a kick out of it whenever I see some fool do this to himself:


I was replaying an old "base" scenario as the Germans, and a bazooka man decided he just HAD to fire off a shot while in a building. He turned into barbecue.

Exhibit A: You see the plume of smoke ejected from the rear of the weapon, and the resulting firestorm within the building. I can only imagine that the platoon leader who shared the building was very pleased. One minute, nice cozy building, next minute it's a towering inferno. Damn shame. :D

Exhibit B: The brave bazooka man fires his third or fourth round at a Stug III, which was stupidly giving him a perfect side shot. (The gunner missed everytime. I chuckled and wiped my brow at the same time.)

I checked the replay three times, just to be sure that some other shot or explosion hadn't been the one responsible for the fire, but no, the bazooka gunner with bad instincts apparently decided he just HAD to start up a bonfire right then.

My little amusement for the day. Tee hee. tongue.gif

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This gives me an interesting idea for defending towns. Place your bazooka team in the center of a building so that it can't see the enemy aproaching. Take a shot with the bazooka once the enemy has entered the building, and if the bazooka shot doesn't get the enemy squad, maybe the building will.

Might also be useful on the offensive. Enemy machine gun in a 2 story. Run your bazooka in, lbow up the building. Sorta like the dwarven demolition squads in Warcraft.

Exlamer: Yes I know this is an extremely cheesy, gamey idea tongue.gif:D

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I once moved a bazooka team into a house where it ambushed a Stug. The Stug got knocked out, the house was on fire.

The tank crew and the Bazooka guys BOTH ran into the SAME house, hugging the ground!

I really would like to know their conversation... :D

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Heh. In a game against tankbuster, one of his zooks hiding in a lone stand of trees knocked out a German scout car (Puma, I believe) from about 15 meters. The crew bailed out (no casualties); ran to the stand of trees, and killed the offending bazooka guys.

Funny little bit of justice, as far as I was concerned.

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I/O Error,

I just gotta ask. ;) Please tell me that you are still not playing CM with stock graphics.

If you're worried about using hi-res graphics, try Magua's Normandy set. It's all low-res.

And if it's because you play on a Mac, then thank God I have a PC. ;)

[ 07-20-2001: Message edited by: Maximus ]

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