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Small Sunday Gift : CMMOS Kubelwagen ready UPDATED !!!

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Hi all,

As Gordon spoke of doing stg with Jeeps, it gave me the idea to do a CMMOS version of the Kubelwagen mods :D !

There's only 3 mods in existence AFAIK (Petersen's, A Fox', and Clark's) but the first two mods have many options so CMMOS is useful to switch between feldgrau and dunkelgelb AND to attach a shovel tongue.gif !

UPDATED 10/22 : at Clubfoot"s request I added support for 2 Desert Kubelwagen mods !!

And I added also the BTS original :D !

So you've got this :


Grab the files at :


Ruleset is included in the zip file now

Enjoy !

[ 10-22-2001: Message edited by: Pascal DI FOLCO ]

[ 10-22-2001: Message edited by: Pascal DI FOLCO ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stingray:

Dear Pascal:

Downloaded the kubelwagon CMMOS files. I installed it but could not make it work. All I got is the disabled signs. Please help !!!


Stingray :eek:<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Disregard above message. Got it to work. Initally, some of the bmp files did not load properly. I reloaded them and now it works !!!

Thanks another beauty from Pascal.

Cheers !!!



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Groovy! Always good to see Kübel enthusiasm. A note to: a few months ago I sent a swell DAK Kübelwagen mod to either Clubfoot or MikeT (I honestly don't remember who). At least I think I sent it. I've never seen it offered for download, though. If for some reason you don't have it or never got it I'd be happy to make it available for the CMMOS set. I just have to excavate it from the depths of my HD.


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First, thanks for the CMMOS mod!

Now, onto my little quibble. I downloaded and followed all the instructions. The self-extracting file for creating the ruleset902 did not work quite correctly. It created a lot of files in the ruleset directory, but it did not creat a "RuleSet902" folder which is where those files SHOULD'VE been installed. Once I did that step manually and then tracked down each of the K-wagen thumbnail bmp's and the different ruleset 902-xxx files and moved them into my just created folder, all was well.

Minor bug, but not quite foolproof. I should know.



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