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Will there be an in-game troop menu on CM:BB?

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I was just slugging it out on TCP/IP with my friend and he asked if there will be a troop menu you can access in-game in future releases. Got me thinking, will there? It could be useful when you manage larger or very confusing fights. A button that gives you a list of your troops, similar to the buy menu, and maybe the condition of the units. By clicking the unit on the menu you might lock your view on it. We were having a brutal street fight with my forces attacking from 4 directions, and him having to defend several streets and ruins at once. Since TCP/IP rounds are quite a lot shorter then PBEM playing without a quick reference can cause various things.

I'm a fan of shortish TCP/IP round limits. Depending on the size of the fight, you have to make decisions for your troops in 5 minutes, or 7, or 10. Likewise when you play hotseat with some beer.

I've been browsing the CM:BB faq more then once, and can't remember any references to a menu of this kind.

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The funny thing is, after playing CM:BO for some 8 months I think haven't thought about such a menu but once, while playing my first tutorial game. Still doesn't mean it wouldn't be useful, the player suggesting this is far more green and thus is very objective, and not blindly accustomed to the way CM:BO works, like I am =)

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The latest word was that "yes" they were looking into some sort of in-game menu, but it would probably not be as useable as some other in-game menus, such as Steel Panthers:World at War, for example.

I hypothesize that the menu will probably show your units, and if we are lucky, it will show their current status. What will (IMO) not be included is the ability to actually give orders through the menu, rather for reference only.

However, I have a sneaking suspicion that this question, and others like it will be answred in the very near future...

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