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ATTENTION Mac users, tired of having an inferiority complex?

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hehe...no no, I was just jokin with ya biggrin.gif. Mac OS X will be released on march 24, twelve days from now. There is a countdown on the apple site at apple.com. Personaly I can't wait for it. Good to know your a mac user maximus.

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Anyone who upgrades to Mac OS X needs to know that there are RAVE problems when using that OS (at least this was seen with the BETA).

To run CM you will need to boot up in "compatible mode" which emulates 0S 9.x. In addition to that you will need to remove/disable the "Classic RAVE" extension, which causes problems with CM.

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Good idea Max, why don't we restart a locked thread. While we're here, I feel compelled to respond to these comments from the original...

Space Thing wrote:

I find that the meanest people with computers are ones who own Macs. They never seem to stop insulting or making fun of people with other platforms. They never seem to miss a chance to try and put down other platforms.

I VERY rarely (if ever) hear or see people who use Windows try to insult or harass people with Macs. I've always wondered why until now. I hate to say it, but it looks like a classic case of an inferiority complex. I'm not kidding either. It is very strange to see because Apple puts forward the idea that Mac owners are superior than other computer owners. It is so hypocritical that it is sickening.

For a start, I cannot stand sweeping generalisations. Such comments are stupid and nothing else.

Secondly, this is pure speculation. I have plenty of experience of Windows users taking every opportunity to disparage Macs and their users.

Thirdly, the kind of comment you have just made sounds like an inferiority complex in itself. You claim that Mac users make fun of Windows users. You launch an attack on Mac users on this premise. Why bother? Have you got anything to worry about? Are you scared Microsoft is going to be won over by these Mac users and stop producing Windows?

Generalised accusations and attacks are as disingenious as that which you claim to be responding to. If someone disparages your choices, ignore them. To disparage their choices in return is to lower yourself to their level. I could easily have launched a counter-attack against you, but I don't believe that all Windows users have inferiority complexes and are wont to attack Mac users, and neither should you believe the converse.

Maximus wrote:

Boy you got that right. It's almost like they're upset that they bought an expensive piece of crap and they try to demean PC users for their mistakes.

Let's take a look at the CONS of Macs:

1) Relatively low VRAM. (CM ramification: Stuck with using low-res textures. The original textures were even more low-res than they ended up being and BTS bumped up the resolution for the Gold version)

2) Hardware is strictly monopolated. ie, Mac users must ALWAYS buy Apple Hardware. Hence the high price tag. No competition. No to mention integrated video/audio and all that stuff.

3) Very little choice in software titles. Go to a game store and browse the titles--how many Mac versions are there? Slim to none.

4) Mac users claim that their 400-500 MHz machines run faster than a 700-800 MHz PC, well not really. Lets load up some hi-res textures and we'll just see how fast they run.

Space Thing, you hit it right on the head. I do believe that it is a Inferiority Complex.

But my favorite saying is "What's a Mac again?"

Max, surely you should know better than to try and summarise probably one of the biggest computer-related debates of all time, off the top of your head in about two minutes. On that basis what you have written is silly even before we look any closer.

Firstly, if Mac users were "upset that they bought an expensive piece of crap", they wouldn't be Mac users for very long, would they?

1) Nonsense. Macs were lower-specified a few years ago – when BTS started work on CM – than they are now, just like PCs were. Apple currently ships Macs with a choice of ATI Radeon, nVidia GeForce 2, or GeForce 3.

2) Apple's hardware may be a monopoly, but its OS is a monopoly breaker – ie. one of the few credible alternatives to Windows. If the hardware were poor quality, this would be bad. However it is very well designed and very good quality, and as the hardware and OS are made by the same company, Macs are very reliable and far less buggy than Windows machines. Mac users are happy to pay extra for a quality product.

3) The Mac is seen as a niche platform, and as such your average high street store will not stock software for it. This is a slightly different matter from there being little software available as you claim. Mac users are used to buying software by mail-order or from specialist Apple shops.

4) That's a scientific comparison, is it? How did you come to that conclusion? Off the top of your head? I'm not inclined to spend any longer replying than you spent researching your analysis. I will say, however, that to dismiss out of hand the idea that a processor running at a slower clock speed could actually be faster is a very ill-advised conclusion. That's like saying that I have ten pieces of string and you have five, and therefore I must have a longer overall length of string than you.

Now let's please leave the Mac-PC debate alone, as we should all know that it's purely a matter of opinion.



where's the BAR? – ColonelSquirrel

Where's the Bar? This is the most important and critical question I've ever seen on a thread – Rex_Bellator

[This message has been edited by David Aitken (edited 03-12-2001).]

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Schrullenhaft wrote:

Anyone who upgrades to Mac OS X needs to know that there are RAVE problems when using that OS (at least this was seen with the BETA).

To run CM you will need to boot up in "compatible mode" which emulates 0S 9.x. In addition to that you will need to remove/disable the "Classic RAVE" extension, which causes problems with CM.

CM has not been tweaked for Carbon, so it will only run in the Classic environment anyway.

I think it's probably a bad idea to ugrade to OS X just now anyway. It's a brand new OS, so it's not going to be perfect from the outset, although the Public Beta will have helped in that respect. More importantly, I think a lot of companies have been waiting for the final product before updating their software, because only then will the APIs be final.

The main question in my mind is, will CM2 be Carbon-compatible? =)




where's the BAR? – ColonelSquirrel

Where's the Bar? This is the most important and critical question I've ever seen on a thread – Rex_Bellator

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There are going to be a LOT of problems with OS X. Pretty much every piece of software that is available is going to run slower under OS X than on 9.1 That is going to continue to be the case until the majority of software is written native for OS X.

Apple has already acknowledged that OS X will ship with a number of features missing or poorly implemented, such as the ability to use DVDs or current generation video cards, etc. This doesn't even take into account the numerous known and inevitable, as yet reported, bugs.

Anyone who owns a mac and depends on it to do real work would be well advised to delay upgrading to OS X for at least 6 months or better still a year.

To be honest, OS X has done more to make me consider switching to an alternate platform than it has to sticking with Apple, but I'm adopting a very cautious wait and see approach.

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Such is the price of progress, but I think Apple have done a lot to try and smooth the transition, as they always have. Sure, jumping right in at the first opportunity is never the best idea, but neither do you want to stick to your guns forever. There will definitely be a right time to switch to OS X and enjoy the benefits, but that time is a few months away yet.

I might add that even with every update to OS 8/9, there was a rash of problem reports and scare stories, but in my experience the upgrades worked fine. OS X won't be perfect, but you shouldn't believe every critic you hear. Apple isn't going to release a broken product. I count Apple in the same league as BTS.


where's the BAR? – ColonelSquirrel

Where's the Bar? This is the most important and critical question I've ever seen on a thread – Rex_Bellator

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You have to be kidding me. As it surely is probable that some mac users make fun of other platforms especially windows, you must be kidding me that windows users dont make fun of anybody. This statment is realy backwords IMO and in my experience. My experience is that it is probably the same on both sides. Just a different amount of users. I could make a sweeping statement like most mac users are smarter then PC users, based on the people I know. What the hell is this?


Lets take a look at what maximus has given us as information. I will just give the correct information.

Mac hardware comes with at least 16 mb of vodeo ram in every tower configuration for over 2 years.

I am not sure what pc publications you have been reading lately but it must be over 2 years old. biggrin.gif

Mac hardware is also BTO so the user/purchaser can decide to pick and choose what they want. Kind of like building a PC. BTO options include 32mb radeon ATI card, or the 32mb nVidida Geforce 2 MX. So there is NO cm ramification at all when using a mac. I dont understand where maximus has come up with this. Maybe this what they mean about pc users poopooing the mac biggrin.gif

Also one thing to note, even though there are driver problems and such on the mac, since apple makes their own hardware and software they are more able to make hardwar/software intergration much easier and much more seamless to the end user. Hey its a mac! biggrin.gif

Maximus says "very little software titles". Well well thats is the old pc myth at work again. Maximus walks into electronic boutique and sees virtualy no mac software, but what maximus might not know is, if your looking for mac software, you dont go to electronic boutique, or babbages or what have you. You try compusa, microcenter, or an apple authorized dealer, or mailorder. There is plenty of mac software available you just need to go to the right place to find it.

As a mac being less aplicable with games software and heavier 3d graphic software then a PC, well, its true. A PC has had a faster system bus and have had 4x agp graphics ports on their motherboards for a long while, while apple has been stuck with typically lower system bus speeds and PCI graphics port. That has just changed recently with the new mac G4's having 4x agp and a 133 mhz bus, upping framrates in games like Quake III the standard of rating FPS for game system performance. The PC still leads in this respect however the gap is considerably close and making Quake III run at 100 fps on mac, which is plenty.

G4 with altivac is very fast. A G4 500 is extremely comparable to an 800 mhz PC pentium III. Real world tests have shown this. In fact if you load up high-res textures in photoshop and run all sorts of different renderings you will see a considerable surplus in speed for the mac over the pc. These tests are well documented.

The other side of the coin of the "mac inferiority complex" is this...windows users are just jealous of mac. In other words you dont use windows becouse its a great OS you use it becouse its the OS for the masses.

Ok...it is well known that x will not feature DVD. Please do not base x performance on x beta. After all it was just a beta.

The only thing I can support what maximus said was the high prices of macintosh. The only thing I can say is, apple has been at this for years. Since the Apple I and II, Apple computers have been highly priced. I dont see this changing any time too soon. However, there is a $799 or $899 iMac available which could run CM well as well. biggrin.gif

Ok, now that that is cleared up a bit onto os x...

OS X will be available on the 24th of march. Its well known that DVD playback will not be available with the first release, and will most likely be released as a patch (for free) in the next few weeks or months.

Pritzl: There are not going to be lots of problems with mac OS X. This type of statement is dangerous, mainly becouse it can ruin the reputation of anything you attatch it to. Mac OS X will also not have anything poorly implemented. A missing feature is not a poorly implemented feature of the OS. Inevitable bugs is why OS X was released in beta. There have been over 130,000 bug or feature request e-mails sent to apple to work out features and bugs that were found. OS X is a new OS and not everybody is going to upgrade right away. This is quite obvious. Apple has done a fine job intergrating the mac OS with Next OS. It has taken a long long time for this OS to finally surface as a usable and confident OS. I do not think apple has let me down.

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Guest Madmatt

Wow, this sounds familar. Take it to the General Forum people or better yet just let it drop. Both platforms have ups and downs.

Keep it up and we will make CMII an Amigados only game! tongue.gif


[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 03-12-2001).]

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