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Orders menu mod...German

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First off, thanks go to Deanco for the inspiration of this mod. I used his idea of a clipboard and changed it to a pad of paper to allow more room for text at the top since German words tend to be longer and more difficult for non-speakers to read.

I'm studying German and can do pretty well conversationally but I still want to check with a native speaker to make sure I got the translations right. Here is a screenshot and a list of all the translations that I used. Also, I decided to use just black for the text rather than color coding for several reasons. First, it matches well with an overall toned down look that is popular these days. Secondly, and more importantly to me, it forces you to associate a word with an action rather than a color which is better for those interested in learning vocabulary, i.e. me.


ambush: überfallen

pause: pausieren

hide: sich verstecken

sneak: schleichen

move: gehen

move: fahren

hunt: jagen

fast move: schnell fahren

reverse: zurücksetzen

halt: halten

unhide: Achtung! (sich nicht verstecken doesn't fit smile.gif )

run: rennen

target wide: breit angreifen

target: angreifen

cancel target: Ziel absagen

smoke: Rauch

Line of sight: Blickrichtung

yes: jawohl

no: nein

top floor: im ersten Stock

bottom floor: im erdgeschoß

place: stellen

rotate: sich drehen

dig in: sich eingraben

crawl: kriechen

withdraw: abziehen

activate flag: Fahne aktivieren

padlock setup: Aufbau zuschließen

free setup: Aufbau freilassen

open up: aufmachen

button up: zumachen

split: sich teilen

target next: nächstes Ziel

disembark: ausshiffen

Orders: Bestellungen

Use main gun? Benutzen Sie Geschütz?

Which Floor: Welcher Fußboden?

Setup: Aufbau

Adjust speed: Geschwindigkeit ändern

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I'm Danish and not really an expert in the German language, but their is one thing that seems peculiar to me.

All the translations are in the the "original" verb form. This is kinda difficult to explain since English is'nt my first language either(curse this useless Danish tounge).

What I mean is, in the original English form all orders are in the form you would say to your men. Errrr, perhaps I should give an example. You would shout out "Hide" to your men. I belive you need to change the verbs so they correspond to this(this is making less sense by the minute).

For example instead of gehen, you should have geht.

Hope you get my point.


I hope i haven't brained my damage!

-Homer Simpson

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Guest Germanboy

Nice work - here are my suggestions. Yours are very good for a non-native speaker.

ambush: Hinterhalt

pause: pausieren

hide: In Deckung gehen

sneak: schleichen

move: gehen

move: fahren

hunt: jagen

fast move: schnell fahren

reverse: zurücksetzen

halt: halten

unhide: Aus der Deckung kommen

run: rennen

target wide: Gestreut feuern

target: Feuern

cancel target: Feuer einstellen

smoke: Nebel

Line of sight: Blickrichtung

yes: jawohl

no: nein

top floor: im ersten Stock

bottom floor: im Erdgeschoß

place: Plazieren

rotate: drehen

dig in: eingraben

crawl: Robben

withdraw: zurueckziehen

activate flag: Fahne aktivieren

padlock setup: Festgelegte Plazierung

free setup: Freie Plazierung

open up: aufmachen

button up: zumachen

split: Aufteilen

target next: nächstes Ziel

disembark: Absitzen

Area target: Gebietsfeuer (?)

Orders: befehle

Use main gun? Kanone feuern?

Which Floor: Welches Stockwerk?

Setup: Plazieren

Adjust speed: Geschwindigkeit einstellen

Hope that helps.



Der Kessel

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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Area target: Gebietsfeuer (?)

Area Target: Flächenziel

my suggestions:

Line of Sight: Sichtverbindung or Blickfeld

Setup: Aufstellung

In general, i wouldn't use the imperative german verbs. As a native german speaker, i can tell you this: I wouldn't want to read the whole menu in imperative form. Just doesn't look good.

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Vielen Dank für alles!

Also, thanks for the nice compliments. I'll make the changes tomorrow. I too was wondering about things such as if I should have the verbs in the infinitive form or if I should use the Sie imperative. I was also wondering whether it was appropriate to place "sich" in front of verbs that are reflexive or being used in a reflexive way.

It always continues to amaze me at the subtleties that exist in languages that seperate even extremely fluent people from native speakers.

Diesen Sommer fliege ich nach Deutschland. I werde da neun Woche Duetsch lernen, um meine Sprache zu verbessern. smile.gif

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You said,

"it forces you to associate a word with an action rather than a color which is better for those interested in learning vocabulary, i.e. me."

Why not associate a word with a color, action + anything else you can think of, as a means of learning vocab?

Or did you mean, "rather than a color ONLY" ?

Everything I've read has always said the more associations the merrier biggrin.gif

My own experience with teaching and studying language has always been that color was great for learning vocab. The brain works better with color and images/ rather than B/W text only.

My 2 peffings as a teacher/student/linguist.

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