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Wow. There are a lot of them out there...

What do you all do? Do you collect every one you find on a website? Collect ones of only certain nationalities? Pick them up based on size? Title? Do you have a lot, or do you play them once, and dump them? How do you catalog them?

I am so confused...


Capt. Byron Crank, US Army

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If you're looking for Canadian Scenarios, hop over to my site. Another good site for Canadian Scenarios is CM Bits By Michael Dorosh. If you want variety of scenarios you can go to COmbat Missions And of course if you want to wait all day for them you can go to the CMHQ Depot


If the words "f**k" and "frontal" were removed from the vocabulary, the Canadian Army would be left both speechless, and unable to attack...

-Michael Dorosh


Canada For CM

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lol Shadow. Thanks mate, but I can find plenty - and I have some of those fine Canadian ones (in deference to all the good - but blurry times I have spent in Windsor, Hamilton and London. Gotta love the Tragically Hip, eh?) My problem is that I want them ALL! ALL OF THem! lol. I was just wondering how you all deal with that.


Capt. Byron Crank, US Army

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Originally posted by Crank_GS:

I was just wondering how you all deal with that.

I can't deal with it. Do you have any idea just how many scenarios I have?


If the words "f**k" and "frontal" were removed from the vocabulary, the Canadian Army would be left both speechless, and unable to attack...

-Michael Dorosh


Canada For CM

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I bought a new computer just for CM, and School. So now I have files set up for each designer, if I like them I keep them, if i do not they put in the toaster and are dumped.

I try not to load up the CMBO file, keep to the basics, pull in a scenario and play it.

Right now I am looking at Manx's site and will pull a few more out and play this weekend.


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