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Bizarre behavior!

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Lone Piat team move across open ground towards scattered trees (to try and obtain a LoS to an enemy vehicle)

Just short of the tree line they sight a foxhole; as they close on the foxhole they spot an enemy FO team in it.

The Piat team carries on, moves into the same foxhole as the German observer team and then proceeds to target, fire at and knock-out the enemy vehicle.

The two occupants of the foxhole (actually four) then proceed to stare at each other for the remainder of the turn.

At the start of the next turn, the piat team is ordered to attack the FO. At virtually point-blank range (the unit bases are completely merged) it fires the piat and destroys the FO! The FO, in the meantime has done absolutely nothing. Unlikely or what?

Don,t these folk have a pistol between them,or the sense to run away. And can you imagine loading a piat a few feet away from your enemy and then firing it, while they just sit and look at you.

Realism seems to have departed in this instance.



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Thats nothing.

I had a priest enter into a circle of german squads. It decides to ignore the rain of hand grenades that are flying through the air. It chases a german platoon HQ in a circle. The platoon HQ left its foxhole and ran in a complete circle till it got back to the foxhole. The priest finally lines up a shot on the foxhole and knocks itself out at point blank range! I watched a couple of times and it was not a hand grenade from the germans but the 105mm HE KO'd the priest! The plat HQ was unharmed.

It was too wierd.

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Originally posted by :USERNAME::

Thats nothing.

I had a priest enter into a circle of german squads. It decides to ignore the rain of hand grenades that are flying through the air. It chases a german platoon HQ in a circle. The platoon HQ left its foxhole and ran in a complete circle till it got back to the foxhole. The priest finally lines up a shot on the foxhole and knocks itself out at point blank range! I watched a couple of times and it was not a hand grenade from the germans but the 105mm HE KO'd the priest! The plat HQ was unharmed.

It was too wierd.

Hey... nothing weird about that! Imagine if you will that the Priest commander requested permission from his superior to hunt down that nasty German platoon command group he has spotted. The superior replies "sure, knock yerself out". Unfortunately the commander of the Priest took him literally! confused.gif


Jim R.

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