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How Do You Ambush With A Gun?

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I've noticed that you can only ambush out to 300m with a gun. What if you don't want your gun shooting at long ranges of over 500m? How do you keep it from firing until the target is within 500m or so? If I put them under command of an HQ, will this help with their waiting for a better shot?

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You only need the ambush marker to deal with cases where the decision to fire has to be made with "split-minute" timing. Otherwise, you just stay on hide, wait for an orders phase when you like the targets you see, and then take the gun off hide (picking a target or letting the gun crew choose). For enemies close by, you may not have time to do this. So you can use an ambush marker instead. "But what if the target is only available for seconds, at 2 kilometers?" Then you'd never realistically get a shot off, so forget about it.

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