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CM2... where can I find any info or screen shots?

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Yes, I know Combat Mission 2 is in beta, but we can't read the boards, and I'm curious to see any info on potential system requirements and to drool at any possible screen shots or info about the possible units, etc...

Is there anywhere to look up and see/read any of this info? Or is it totally hush hush?


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In the latest release of Computer Gamer magazine (known as the preview edition) there is one tiny screenshot of CM2. However, on the CD, there is also a wealth of movies for IL-2, Neverwinter Nights and a host of other goodies.


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Hmmm 45% complete....

In my real life, I manage a group of software developers. In my shop, 45% complete means that they have a lot more than that actually done, but still have some major problems to overcome and have done very little testing or documentation. When my gang uses 45% it also means they want me to leave them alone. Once I have shown I can leave them alone for an extended period, the completion percentage rises to 55%, even if nothing further has been accomplished in the interim. It's just my reward for being a good boy and backing off.

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