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A new scenario design team...

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The Scenario zone page has been updated!

Our team has 8 people. For a list of names check out our web page. Only 5 are listed at this time.

[below from June 9th]

I am the webmaster of this new team. Now its going to be like most other scenario teams we will test and release them. Also well will take requests.

The page it self is at The Scenario Zone


[ 06-10-2001: Message edited by: Panzerman ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Just to let you know most of the scenario (sic) will not be historical. But as time gose (sic) by I hope that we can do more. Now the frist (sic) secnario (sic) I am working on is called "Juno Bridge". It is a simi-historical (sic) scenario about British airborn (sic) companys (sic) trying to hold onto a bridge south of Juno beach. The Forces are of cores (sic) in Germanys (sic)favore (sic)as the Brits are just Airborn (sic)units and there (sic) suppys (sic) are short. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Will you also be hiring a proofreader, then?

[ 06-09-2001: Message edited by: Michael Dorosh ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

Will you also be hiring a proofreader, then?

[ 06-09-2001: Message edited by: Michael Dorosh ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

HAHA... give me a break.

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Ok page spelling has been fixed so you little perfectionists can feel better. Also I still need 1 more people so send me a line.

[ 06-09-2001: Message edited by: Panzerman ]

[ 06-10-2001: Message edited by: Panzerman ]

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My apologies if English is your second language; the site is laid out nicely with good graphics, but you really need to get someone to edit you. Books do sell by their covers, and unfortunately, the first thing they see is your spelling. Half the errors I pointed out have been left unchanged and the new parts of your page have many more. I am not trying to publicly embarrss you, but I suspect many will pass on your site based solely on the unprofessional presentation. That would be a shame.

Since I am one of the "little perfectionists" feel free to email me at madorosh@home.com and I would be delighted to spell check and grammar check for you. I would also be interested in writing scenario briefings. If you need bonafides, I have a degree in Communications and am a published author.

It's up to you; I offer these criticisms as a courtesy. Many won't bother - and will simply pass you by.

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