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Halftracks with sherman treads?

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Can anyone tell me what file to overwrite now that my US halftracks tires and track have the (head on) sherman track pattern? I think I may have modded something once too often and now can't seem to find the tire tread .bmp in the 1900-odd .bmp files in my CMBO\BMP directory.

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Originally posted by gunnergoz:

Can anyone tell me what file to overwrite now that my US halftracks tires and track have the (head on) sherman track pattern? I think I may have modded something once too often and now can't seem to find the tire tread .bmp in the 1900-odd .bmp files in my CMBO\BMP directory.


Marco's right the Halftrack tyre and track use the 4023.bmp (Sherman Track) file which looks OK(ish) if you use the standard block pattern but looks strange on the halftracks when the U track pattern is applied to the Shermans.

To cure it, copy the standard (block pattern tread) 4023.bmp from your CD back into your BMP directory. This will of course replace all your Sherman tracks with the block pattern too.

It's a matter of preference I guess.




CM Outpost

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