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Any way to extract or override password if you forgot it?

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....and if anyone does manage to crack the password for the PBEM for god sake keep it to yourself, imagine what damage releasing that info would do to the games we play!!!


[edited] - other than telling BTS about it asap :D

[ 05-29-2001: Message edited by: Pud ]

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During the beta days of CM I also wondered if the PBEM file encryption method was adequate, so I tried to break into the files once using a few test battles I started, but without success. Although I still can't imagine how you can encrypt data in a way that's decryptable with two different passwords, BTS has done a pretty good job at hiding possible weak points. Perhaps extracting the decryption code from the CM executable could give you a hint about the password thing, but that would most likely be illegal.

So I guess you're out of luck. :(


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