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SMG Allied Equivalent?

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No, they don't in regards to sheer firepower numbers. But as has been pointed out in prior posts, and as I have been noticing with particular pain as of late (since 1.12?), those very same SMG squads drop like flies and are more prone to panic and break than seems normal. So although they can hand out a good bit of damage, they better do it quickly. Because when they are actually in close quarters, they fight like a bunch of pussies... No empirical data on this or proof, but just what I've been seeing as of late. Perhaps my die-rolls have been unusually lucky in these encounters, but after reading many other similar observations, I don't think so.... frown.gif

bigmac out!


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Guest wwb_99

Well, the most SMG intensive allied squads are British Airborne or Glider. US Paratroopers and Glider Infantry also have a higher proportion of automatic weapons (as well as being bigger(12 men), a big benefit in close combat) than most other allied squads.

Also remember that those SMG squads are nearly or totally ineffective beyond 50m.



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No the allies have nothing like those smg troops in CM.

Bets close range stuff allies have in CM is

Brit and Usa airborne. Engineers do well to if supported by flamethrowers due to their explovises and satchel charges. Also late usa infantry is also decent fire power.

But nothing compares to the german smg and mountain troops for punch.

Try to use the .50 cal usa hvy machine gun more it can really help support you if it has good LOS.

Also but veteren allied forces when can that will offset german smg if they are regular and you veteren.

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The only defense against SMG squads is in numbers: If an 8-man SMG squad rushes up to an 12-man Rifle squad odds are things will rapidly devolve into hand-to-hand fighting. If your 12-man squad is Vet, and that 8-man squad is Reg, the Vet usually wins.

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Originally posted by Lord Dreaman:

What is the allied equivalent of SMG squads or smgs. Everytime I'm in close combat with the allies I seem to lose. These SMGs are awesome at close quarters, but do the allies have an equivalent? Help me out guys! mad.gif

I'd say the key with Allies is to avoid engaging the SMG squads at close range when they're fresh and unsurpressed. If you're attacking, shoot 'em up at a bit longer than 50m range with your rifle squads and MGs (and any mortars--unless in buildings-- or direct fire guns you've got) before going in to attack. Try to hit two squads with one, if you can, keeping the firepower advantage, then move on to the next squad. Unless they're closely bunched (hello, artillery!) they can't support each other that well, because of their limited range of fire. On the attack, even one full or near full strength Allied squad (9-12) can often wipe out a partly suppressed SMG squad with few casualties, in my experience.

On defense, as Allies, try to keep a fairly long field of fire in front of your infantry so you can mow down SMGs at range. Avoid, say, planting several US squads in the middle of the woods if expecting a visit from SMGs (shades of Chance Encounter!) Make the SMGs cross an open field to attack you. Hide, then kill 'em when they come into the open but are too far off to reach you effectively.

[This message has been edited by CombinedArms (edited 03-28-2001).]

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