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Scenario uploading now available at The Proving Grounds

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It's been a long while in the making, but I finally have the scenario upload feature ready for testing at The Proving Grounds.

Not yet implemented is the scenario rating and feedback, but that is coming.

If you're not aware of what this is all about, here's a synopsis:

The Proving Grounds is a place for not only finding opponents to play either CMBB or CMBO via PBEM or TCP/IP, but also is a place for scenario designer's to upload their beta scenarios. These are scenarios that are still under development and the author's are asking for you testing and feedback in order to help finalize the design.

The Proving Grounds is not a replacement for The Scenario Depot or others, it is a supplement. The goal here is to get only tested and finalized scenarios to the regular scenario download websites.

As a player, if you're looking for new scenarios and want to be active in the beta testing of them, then this is the place to go to get them.

As a designer, if you're looking for people to play and test your new design's this will be the place to first upload your scenario. This will save you the time of having to email your scenario's out to everyone that wants a copy and it is a place for players to look for new design's- yours may be just what someone is looking for. Once you feel it's ready for prime time, upload it to The Scenario Depot or another location that houses finely designed scenarios.

I'm looking for feedback in this upload system. If something is broken or if you have suggestions on how it could function better, please don't hesitate to send me an email or post here.

Thanks to Admiral Keth in his support of this project.

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I uploaded my Orphanage Hill scenario I've been working on lately. It's under playtesting and all input is highly appreciated.

Maybe you should provide a simple list function? Or maybe something on the front page that says a scenario has been uploaded?

The link is http://www.the-proving-grounds.com/scenarios/Orphanage Hill.cme .

[ June 22, 2003, 10:11 AM: Message edited by: Hansson ]

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I see that up there this morning, it seems to have worked ok. I have some code in there to put in underscores in the filenames in place of any spaces that I see didn't work. I'll check on that. I was able to download the scenario though, even with space in the name.

Excellent suggestion on the new uploads. I should have a complete remake of the layout of the site ready to go today. A bit of a tweak on the graphics but the prime function was to free up all that red on the right so that it could be used instead of just being taken up by a graphic. That should give me room to keep both the blog for opponent finder/chatter and to put a list of new uploads, favorite downloads, news, etc.

Thanks for stopping by!


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I looked over your site and I would be interested in sending some scenarios over for testing later. I have a few suggestions that I hope could be done. I noticed that the Join has all the information for opponent finding etc, but what if an author just wants to upload scenarios for testing without looking for opponents? Yeah, they could select deactivated, but I think it might be better if, when you join, it can be specified that you are joining either as an author or as a tester (some may want to be both too of course).

I also noticed that you don't have to log in to access the scenarios to download. I'm thinking it might be better if only members can download the scenarios for testing. Not only that, but maybe you could set something up where the author will get an e-mail notification or have a note put on to the scenario download area as to who downloaded or how many times the scenario was downloaded etc. I'm just thinking along the lines of something so that the author knows that the scenario is being tested and by whom.

Finally, there should be an easy method for an author to remove a scenario from your site, either because the testing has been completed or because the author wants to put up a new or updated version.

That's my two cents.

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Thanks for the suggestions Vet, those are exactly the items that I will be addressing next. The Author Login will be the place where you can go to view download stats, ratings & reviews, delete the scenario, upload new versions of the same scenario, etc. Lot's of work to do there.

I agree on the requirement to be a member to download, that is also on my list of to-do's.

Good suggestion on the joining, I'll add two methods, opponents and author's. If you want to be part of the opponent finding part and you have scenarios to upload, do the long form (as it is now). Otherwise, I'll have a small form available that will pertain only to scenario designer's and these names will not be included in any of the opponent finding functions. Good idea.



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