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Oh god it's been a while anyway here goes

me and my buddy play a lot of cm via hotseat

(yawn) is there any way to have the timer active in the hotseat games (maybe only needs a tiny patch)as my buddy takes ages to do his moves and it bores the hell outa me

i realize that you guys are now working on CM2 but i would really epreciate it if you could look into this for me


"keep up the good work"

ps i did a search for this topic but found nothing if there is a post on the subject

please forgive me i did not find it

looking forward to your responces :D

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WOW fastest responce ever thanks for that

but you know what people are like they say 3mins and when you tell them they only have seconds left you get them saying "well i only have too move this unit ohhh wait this 1 too and maybe this 1 nearly ready " i am sure you know the score

so i just think it would add so much too what is allready a fantastic game


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A few seconds/minutes here and there isn't going to cause too much grief.

My advice would be to set yourselves fixed time limits depending on the map size and force scale of the battle your playing. Obviously bigger battles will take you longer to organise your turns, but i'm sure you can work out a good set of rules.

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I'm not saying it's a bad idea, but even with a timer, both players still need to agree on the time limit to be imposed, so IMO it would be just as easy to implement this feature yourselves. - i.e - a sharp clip around the ear should be administered to the active player when his time limit has expired!.

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