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suicidal units

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I just finished my first tcp/ip game last night (the suspense is so much better than playing the AI). I had a M8 HMC that was immobilised by assaulting infantry, it depressed it's gun and fired at a unit that was right beside it and next thing it was destroyed!! In the M8 HMC unit's kills screen it had an M8 HMC as being a KILL! (the enemy inf did not register a kill at all) DID this unit kill itself by firing at the ground too close to itself and get knocked out in the process?

Peter hawkins Capt


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Just another classic example that Sh*t happens in this game frequently, and perhaps that you, as a member of the Army's Medical Corp, should stick to mending bones rather than breaking them! wink.gif

Nice to see another Aussie contribute to the forum though.


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