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Which infantry mods are most historic?

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Looking around on the CM Recon site lately I came across DD's infantry mods. I looked 'em over once or twice.

I'm wondering if I should download the pack. I like their looks, but I'm wondering if they are historical.

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I forgot to post my current infantry mods.

For Wehrmacht and Gebirgsjaeger, I have Ed Durkin's most recent green-tinted Feld Grau set.

For Waffen SS, I have rangefer's Mottled Camo Smock mod.

For Fallschirmjaeger, I have the originals.

For Volksturm, originals.

I have Ed Durkin's Weathered Allied Infantry mod for Allies, nothing else for Allies

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Originally posted by Bog:

I have Ed Durkin's Weathered Allied Infantry mod for Allies, nothing else for Allies

I know I sound like a broken record, but there are Canadian and British mods at my site, link below. I updated the British ones, but my server won't allow me to upload them - server problems.

I've published a book on Canadian uniforms, and some magazine articles as well, so I think they are fairly accurate. Any feedback is welcome.

Canada for CM, one of the sites in the ring, is hosting some Canadian mods too.


CANUCK: Clothing, Equipping and Employing the Canadian Soldier in Combat Mission

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Tiger (at least I think it was Tiger) did up a nice Commonwealth leather jerkin mod which I use for winter scenarios. Don't know if anyone is hosting it or not.


Out of commission, become a pillbox.

Out of ammo, become a bunker.

Out of time -- become heroes...

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Originally posted by Forever Babra:

Tiger (at least I think it was Tiger) did up a nice Commonwealth leather jerkin mod which I use for winter scenarios. Don't know if anyone is hosting it or not.

That's the one at Canada for CM. Shadow will be along soon with his link. I have a leather jerkin on my site too, which is low res; the colour is a little closer to the original ones I've handled than the one on Shadow's site (since we're talking about historical accuracy). Artistic skill is another question altogether, of course.

I don't think it was Tiger, but the name escapes me....I am open to correction.

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