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Everyone read this (except JasonC)

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Have you ever played a PBEM with JasonC? Tell me about the battle if you would. Did Jason play as Allies or Axis? What type of battle was fought? How many points? What did Jason do during the fight that just stumped or amazed you? What did he do that surprised you? How did you beat him (if you did)? What is his biggest weakness in CM battles?

I am just gathering information in preparation for my upcoming PBEM against JasonC. Thanks for your help.

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I don't think it will help you knowing all that and I never played him so don't know but I just wanted to say that I bet he kills you. Good luck however but if he's as good at the game as he is on history you be in trouble. I personally would tell him I was sick or had to leave town. ;)

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by lcm1947:

Good luck however but if he's as good at the game as he is on history...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oh, please.

Play him TCP/IP and set a five minute limit. By the time he has his t-square and slide rule computations done for platoon one, he will run out of order giving time. ;)

But seriously - Happy Birthday, JasonC. Many happy returns on the day.

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I've never played him, but I would suggest not being intimidated by him. He does quite a bit of research but that doesn't necessarily translate into brilliant tactical ability. Then again, he may also wipe you off the map quicker than a bird going through a jet engine.

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He could. He has lots of experience. Remember, he has green troops playing "Defense". My job is to remove those defenders and occupy his town. I would just like to hear from people who have played him. I have collected over 40 pages of information from him on various topics. Is Jason a teacher? Is he ex military? Anyway, he has sent me the setup file so I finally got to see the map (you know how that is). Its a pretty small map with a town in the middle of it. Handful of flags, very few trees and flat. Its dawn, the birds are just a chirping away. I have started my analysis and am documenting everthing for the official AAR. He has 1000 points to spend on green forces. Does anyone know his propensity for purchasing obstacles? (mines and barbed wire)

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Beware! If Jason has experience with handling Greens, it could really spoil your day. Greens are very good in experienced hands, because on defense, the troop gap is not as wide as you are used to against troops if similar experience.

What does this mean? It means that if he knows how to defend, he can have more successful ambushes and you cannot afford to defeat him through attrition. Even Greens can absolutely liquidate you in a series of successful ambushes, so beware! Scout well!

However, if he is using Greens and you are not, it means that squad to squad, he is weaker then your men. So use that to your advantage. Use good recon and try to get down his throat in a concentrated thrust. If he is using all Greens, his arty may not be quick enough to catch up to you if you follow Patton's advice and "Go like Hell!"

Similarly, his infantry will not be able to reposition to counter such a thrust quickly, due to the long command delays. However, if Jason knows how to use Greens, he will have a reserve ready to move out from a middle position which can reach any part of his line relatively quickly.

Once again, be very very careful. In summary, don't let his quantity overpower your quality, which in a attack/deffense is quite difficult to do.

Good Luck!

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Good advice! The map is dominated by the town. A concentrated thrust is the way to go but only against a weak point and in looking the map over there seems to be very few of those. All but one flag are in town. I don't have to worry about attriting his forces as I have no means of doing so. I don't think my artillery is going to be a factor in this game. The buildings are huge - you could probably place a whole platoon on every floor of every building! As noted in my preliminary analysis (and in agreement with you) green forces means a lot of concentrated firepower in the hands of someone who knows how to place infantry correctly. The biggest weakness green forces face is the tendency to break or become routed. Finding a way to suppress Axis infantry under cover of stone buildings is going to be hard.

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He's the Axis too? Ay Caramba.

For your sake, I hope you agreed on limiting Volks SMG squads, or that Jason decides to not use them in the game. If he does, he will have more troops then you, who will inflict more damage, despite being on the defense.

What are the experience levels of your own forces, may I ask?

Oh, and don't underestimate Greens. I used them to good effect in a Probe engagement, while on the attack. They perform nearly as well as Regulars so watch out.

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First, you are blowing this out of all proportion and it is ridiculous. I hope you find me a competent opponent, but expecting more than that is your own projecting and not based in any reality. I fully expect that with attack odds and higher quality, you should win; the point is to have fun with the fight. Consulting half the world about every decision strikes me as decidedly unsporting. You should be able to make your own decisions. If you insist on making a circus number out of it, you can forget it. If you just want a CM game, then send me a file.

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