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Aaaarrrgghhh! My eyes!!!!!!!!!!1

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Okay, I had to speed up CM so I (gasp) deleted my mods. I want to be able to put a few back in at a time so I can get optimal performance/visuals. I need a PC mod manager program to do this.

I did a search - timed out, of course, and looked at the FAQ, where I found a neat link to MacMod Managers, but not PC Mod Managers.

Anyone out there have a link? I think Two Sheds had something once . . .

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Also I would say try to concentrate of the terrain mods first. A nice lo-res grass and some terrain settings should have minimal impact (rough and such) while maximizing the visuals the most. Plus while the vehicle mods are out-friggen-standing the "stock" graphics are acceptable in comparison to the terrain (IMO).

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