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Problems firing PIAT

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On a recent game, I've noticed that if an Elite PIAT team ends the movie turn reloading his weapon, on the next turn he will waist about 30 more sec to end that reload... Has anyone know the reloading times of a PIAT during a "normal" turn is much smaller. As anyone noticed this ? The search function didn't work for me...

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I noticed something similar some time back and asked Charles what might be happening.

The PIAT is a spring loaded weaping, and from what Ive read it required quite a bit of force to get the spring into place. Apparently from time to time this spring used to get jammed, and it took some time to free it up. This is modelled in CM, and my guess is that this is what you were seeing when the above happened smile.gif


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I was recently screaming at my Piat team in a QB because for 2 turns he did not fire at all even though he had clear los from a hidden position - he was not under fire either. I thought it was a bug. But i have only seen this happen twice....is it really a feature?


[ 07-01-2001: Message edited by: Captitalistdoginchina ]

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hmm... We are always learning smile.gif

But... the funny/strange part, is that it happen on 3 turns in arrow with the same elite PIAT team, and always at the turn end/beginning of the next one.

Yes, the damn elite Team unloaded all it's ammo on a SPG, some were 40% hit chance shoots, in the end the SPG walked way with 1 crew member killed :eek:

I want a PanzerF or a PanzerS !!! :cool:

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I was wondering about that myself. Nice to know. A small suggestion: maybe give the PIAT a "jammed" sign or something so people won't hurl objects at their screens thinking the PIAT is brewing tea (don't worry, my monitor survived only slightly marked).

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On the same game, where I've an all Elite UK para force, yet another PIAT jam... It's the 4th time in the same game. The cadence seams to be 2 jams for each 6 shoots with an elite crew,(I've seen 3 jams for each 6 shoots), I wonder how it will be with Regular ones smile.gif

Is this near the historical jam cadence ?

[ 07-04-2001: Message edited by: Tanaka ]

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