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Partner in Crime wanted.

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I'd like to start making some Mods, I have the software, I have the skill and sometimes I even have the time but...

I have a cruddy 6mb video card and can't preview the Mods properly! (New mac soon, I hope)

So...What I need is to hook up with someone with a good video card and patience to shoot me some screen shots and comment on the work.

This would be a cooperative arrangement, your input and ideas would be most welcome.

Any takers, please drop me a line.


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I know how you feel G smile.gif

This 333mhz imac is coming close to the end....hoping to get a new mac August/September smile.gif

Good luck with your search for a helper smile.gif

Hope ye find a kind soul who can help and push u along the modders trail smile.gif



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