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New Absolutely Free Game

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I'm sure, all you CM fans, that as you log on to check out the CM forum you cast a passing glance at the BTS Tactical Air Combat games area and wonder what it's all about. Well, here's your chance to find out. At the site listed below are the COMPLETE, ABSOLUTELY NOT A DEMO, FULL (and completely free) versions of the BTS games Achtung Spitfire! (ASP), Over the Reich (OTR), and Flight Commander 2 (FC2) available for download. ASP simulates the European air war from 1939 - 42; covering the invasion of France, the Battle of Britain, and the post Battle of Britain Lull. It's sister game OTR (the older of the 2 games; using exactly the same system and graphics) covers the air war from 1942 - 45, and includes some experimental German airplanes that never flew to boot. FC2 isn't quite as nice (my personal opinion), but is still ALOT of fun; and covers air combat in the Jet Age from 1946 onward. All these games are not flight simulators, but rather look at air combat from the level of multiple planes. They do not just include the major participants, but have every airplane you've heard of (and alot you haven't.) That's all the pep talk ;) ; the site is listed below.

It's free, so check it out; in alot of respects it's not as detailed or as addictive as CM, but it has the quality to be able to be played in a few minutes to a few hours, depending on the length of the scenario you choose. Thanks for the great games, BTS!

The Major

[ 06-06-2001: Message edited by: Madmatt ]

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Out of curiosity, are these legal? I'm not accusing anyone of anything, please understand, I'm just curious, because I've heard from BTS that they've been trying to get a hold of the remaining boxed copies of these games for sale, and have been unable to. That would lead me to believe that 1) they still own them, and 2) they still have interest in them, meaning 3) most likely someone offering them for download is doing something naughty.

I'd like to hear BTS' opinion meself...

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Abandonware is generally defined as any software which is unavailable through official channels (be that bricks and mortar stores, online ordering through a site like Chips and Bits, or directly through the company) and which is no longer being supported by the company.

In some cases it's a marginally justifiable way of getting old games - I've got abandonare copies of the old Infocom games on my HD for example. The trouble is, a lot of abandonware sites assume that "old" equals "fair game." I've seen plenty of games on abandonware sites that are still perfectly available if you spend two minutes looking around. This sounds like one of those cases.

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Abandonware is the term used to describe old software that is no-longer supported by the publisher, or was written by a company that no longer exists. If you do a search you will find all those games from your mis-spent youth . Of course , getting a DOS game from the late 80's to run on your modern pc is a game in itself. smile.gif

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We do not advocate that site hosting our products. They were contacted before as I recall and asked to remove them, that doesnt appear to have happened as we requested.

The way those files are currently packed and distributed is the exact same as piracy and a quick perusal of the file archives even shows that they still retain the original warez hacker group sig file.

We will follow up on this ASAP.


I am removing the links posted above as well...

[ 06-06-2001: Message edited by: Madmatt ]

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