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ANOTHER mindless poll: How much has your CMing cost you?

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I blame it all on you MODSLUTS! - coming on to my site, wantonly, and without disregard i might add, taking your pleasure, then just as quickly sodding off to "rape" some other poor unsuspecting mod host.

You oughta be ashamed of yerselves!.



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Price of the game, new vid card @ $88.00 US, Alot of sleep before my new daughter trumped CM in that category. Probably costs my employer more when I come to work all sleeping from the "one more turn syndrome" and the times during the day when I space off and read this message board.

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The price of the CD and it's effect on both my work attendance and personal relationships would have to be weighed against all the money I've saved not having a life since I got the Uberdisk. I'd say I'm in the black! That's it, "CMBO: The game that will actually make you money!"


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Gentlemen, I may be in what has to be the best position to play CM than any of you.

I work as a computer tech over the phone. I've been doing this job for so long I can do it in my sleep. The bosses here don't care what you do while on the phone as long as your stats are high and you get the job done. Since I got the game I have played it pretty much every day, all day since August of last year. And I get paid to do this! smile.gif

This little PIII-700 on my desk is more than ample for my CM needs. Oddly enough, I rarely play the game at home and I have an even faster system there! smile.gif Oh well.

CM has managed to keep my attention for the better part of a year. The last game that came even close to that was Civilization I. Even with all of this game time under my belt, the AI still manages to kick my butt across the field occasionally. Great game, great product.

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