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Ambush Choices

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I would love to see a way to order troops, like AT teams, to ambush ONLY ARMOR, or ONLY SOFT TARGETS in the case of other weapons.

It may have already been brought up and if so were there any conclusions?


Whiti te ra! Hi!!

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I set you up in a treeline with orders to fire that bazooka only at enemy tanks. Then some (elite, of course, because they'll follow any order) SS troops come walking towards you. What do you do?


Out of commission, become a pillbox.

Out of ammo, become a bunker.

Out of time -- become heroes...

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If I were fired upon I guess I would return fire. If I were there to bust the Tiger behind them, I would wait until I had that shot.

A good commander would never place an AT team without some covering fire anyway. Maybe an 'unless fired upon' default could be built in, similar to the 'Hide' order.

But I see your point Sir.


Whiti te ra! Hi!!

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Originally posted by HAKA:

If I were fired upon I guess I would return fire. If I were there to bust the Tiger behind them, I would wait until I had that shot.

You're a braver man than I... smile.gif


The common ordinary SS soldier was just following orders from their superiors...


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I dont know Maximus from Paul but i do remember many exercises whilst enlisted. I clearly remember a cold winter night in West Berlin, 1990...Training with Brit Milan platoon's. We stayed in ambush next to an intersection for 8 hours. After a 4 hour force march, full gear and Milan rounds...with the sweat and all it you can imagine the cold we felt.

Anyway, that night, noises in the distance...Troops walking down the road...16 of us in the surrounding ambush watched them saunter on by...2 minutes later 2 French AMX-30's rolled down the road and were greeted by flare and sponge simulator rounds!!!

I'm not trying to make anything of this, but if you were ever a grunt you would understand...Orders are Orders. I'm sure the same stuff applied to troops in WW2 on a more realistic and final scale. I imagine that green troops would be more likely to break orders and fire on soft targets where as crack troops would stick it out.

Would you agree?


Whiti te ra! Hi!!

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Well, there's a heck of a difference between Berlin 1990 and 1945 smile.gif

But since we're sharing anecdotes, I'll share one too:

On the push to the Damascus-Beirut Highway in the month of Sivan (The Time of the Burning Sun), because of a number of logistical foul-ups one of the reserve units in American M60 Tanks ended up leading the advance. They were hit by Syrian commandoes (who were literally crawling on the tanks) and were forced to call down artillery on themselves in order to extricate. My infantry battalion was immediately sent out on the flanks to set up anti-tank ambushes for the inevitable counterattack which was expected during the night. There had been heavy aerial combat all the previous day (actually, the largest supersonic dogfight in history) and reports were good that we had acheived air supremacy, so we were on high alert for enemy night moves. Syrian 1st Armoured Division had also been positively identified in the area. During the night we ID'd Syrian infantry moving stealthily to the westward about 200 metres out. Behind them, not visible but distinctly audible we could hear the tanks we were expecting. We opened fire on the infantry and then got the hell out and didn't have a single regret about not engaging the tanks. wink.gif


The common ordinary SS soldier was just following orders from their superiors...


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Maybe its just its those Syrian troops then, firing at infantry would seem to be more of a death penalty. Incase of direct fire under 100 meters a guy on the ground would be quicker to spot your signature than a tank crewman.

A Joe would know almost immedialty who was shooting at him with a big rocket and try his best to kill you with lots of bullets and loud exploding things. Not to mention giving away your position to the tanks. That could have been ugly.

A tank crew on the other hand, hard to hear above that engine and road wheels...

So your a grunt then? AT as well? When were you in?

I was 11H from '86-'93, 5/502 Inf. among others...7 years total, got out after one year of the Clinton Cutback.

I played Rugby for the US Army Rugby team 'The Yanks' for a couple years as well while in Berlin Brigade. My nickname HAKA is a reference to Rugby.


Whiti te ra! Hi!!

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Originally posted by HAKA:

A tank crew on the other hand, hard to hear above that engine and road wheels...

I don't say what we did was the smart thing, just an "ambush choice". All in all, we pretty much sucked at the whole business anyway.

To answer your question, Israel Defence Forces, 82-84, and I always sucked at sports biggrin.gif


The common ordinary SS soldier was just following orders from their superiors...


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If you place the Ambush Marker with a HQ unit and then have all infantry units in C&C of that specific HQ target the marker - they will all open up when the ambush is triggered. Theoretically at least the TacAI will distinguish between soft and hard targets for bazooka/schreck/piat and small arms ambushers.

An AT gun or TD can also participate in the ambush without being in C&C of the HQ. They should pick out the hard targets automatically.

This method could allow you to ambush an entire column of vehicles and infantry with real effect.

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Originally posted by Forever Babra:

I set you up in a treeline with orders to fire that bazooka only at enemy tanks. Then some (elite, of course, because they'll follow any order) SS troops come walking towards you. What do you do?

Let me see...

I'm an unsupported bazooka with Elite SS troopers walking toward me? Personally, I'd hide and pray that they didn't see me. If I fire, I'm toast. My only hope of survival is concealment.


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