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Sound Mods: British Voices

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I've searched almost all of the premier CM sites that offer audio mods and come up empty handed. The closest i've come is a listing of British voice file numbers - courtesy of Mr. Dorosh. The German voice mod that Scipio devised is excellent - perhaps he would create another for those who prefer a Lee Enfield to a K98. i just can't bear to hear "GOR BLIMEY" or "FIYUH ONLY ON MY OHDUH!" for too much longer. Chew on that pineapple, Fritz.

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I've noticed many times that when playing against British/Canadian troops, I sometimes here the "You bastards! Stand up and fight!" in an American southern accent. That's a stock CM .wav file since I've never d/l other voice mods, just the German ones.

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The Bobby whistle is a nice touch in place of BTS' stock "GO! GO! GO!". Many thanks for the ideas & sounds. However, when my boys of No.9 Commando are carrying out covert operations in the Aegean (or just trying to be stealthy anywhere) i don't want them blowing whistles. I don't know how much interest there is, but I'm thinking that someone with a solid [real] Northumbrian or Cockney (my accent won't cut it) has got to be able to record some voice files that are a bit more coarse, vulgar, off-color and/or just plain roughneck sounding. Something to give my immersion level a kick in the pants. How about some profanity during heavy shellings or some terrified slang when i'm surrounded. I'd really like something meaner sounding to shout at German prisoners. Maybe i should just chill out and concentrate on employing sounder tactics instead of esoteric sound mods... Thanks for your replies.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> i just can't bear to hear ... "FIYUH ONLY ON MY OHDUH!" for too much longer. ]


Fairbairn-Sykes Trench Knife,

but most British accents are non-rhotic and will sound like that. You mention the "real" Northumbrian accent, do you mean the so called "burr" that was distinctive of the region? I doubt if you could find a speaker who sounds like that today. "Cockney" would be very easy to get.

Accents have changed over the last 50 years, so we're not going to get anything really authentic. To give some of the Flavor you're looking for a mixture would be perfect ..... a cocktail, with some Scouse, Yorkshire, Glasgow, Belfast, Bristol, Cockney and RP for the Officers would be fun and not TOO hard to obtain.

Recording isn't easy though. It's hard to sound relaxed as you read the lines and not sound either too hammy or too bored.

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i agree with you Viceroy, a "cocktail" of accents/dialects would really add some flavor to the immersion. i like to get down into the foxholes with my men and see the fight from their perspective, so i hear all their vocalizations and screams of agony. however, i'm not so much asking for a diverse cross- section of accents as i am a batch of new phrases, colloquialisms, and gritty vernacular. anybody?

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My problem with English/American voices is simple: I'm German. I would try to make something, but I just don't have the 'ears' for it. I can't even say always if it's an English or American accent - so I have not the faintest idea which sounds need to be revised, or if the mod is better then the original.

I can only recomment:

a) Close Combat II has some - I guess - British voice files. They could be changed into CM sound format (I could change the soundformat, if necessary).

B) A couple - we would need various voices - of our Tommys find together and roar into a microphone.

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hey Scipio, i really enjoy your audio mods (Sounds of Death & German voices especially). i would be interested in hearing the 'Close Combat II' British voices - i don't own the game. i have the necessary tools for conversion - perhaps you could email me some of the CCII sound files - if it isn't too much trouble. thanks for your ideas.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fairbairn-Sykes Trench Knife:

hey Scipio, i really enjoy your audio mods (Sounds of Death & German voices especially). i would be interested in hearing the 'Close Combat II' British voices - i don't own the game. i have the necessary tools for conversion - perhaps you could email me some of the CCII sound files - if it isn't too much trouble. thanks for your ideas.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

If you give me your email address or contact me, no problem. It's not much, but - maybe - a begin

[ 07-01-2001: Message edited by: Scipio ]

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how big would the file be (for only the British CCII voices)? how is it organized - in little snippets like the voices in CM? how's the sound quality? i realize i'm one of the few who are interested. i had hoped some of the British members of this forum would have grown weary of the Tommies' stock voices. maybe this detail is too petty for others who regularly play the British troops.

anyway, Scipio, i will contact you about the voice files.

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I'm Scottish and I'm very happy with the 'British' voices, even if they are all cockney. It's quite unusual to get a small American company making a game that pays heed to other countries at all, let alone gets wee details like voice accents correct.

I've heard some of the voices from CC2, and someone seemed to be deliberately trying to vary their accent, with unconvincing results. I wouldn't have been at all surprised if we'd got stereotypical posh English accents instead of cockney.

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Fairbairn-Sykes Trench Knife.

no Brit says "bloody f--king hell" ! It's bloody hell or f--king hell not the two together. I don't normally teach swearing :D

I agree it would be nice to hear more voices. For the American ones I'd like some Texan, NY and Southern. I guess it's a question of someone having the time. Wouldn't it involve some big downloads though? Voice files can be really big.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fairbairn-Sykes Trench Knife:

how big would the file be (for only the British CCII voices)? how is it organized - in little snippets like the voices in CM? how's the sound quality? i realize i'm one of the few who are interested. i had hoped some of the British members of this forum would have grown weary of the Tommies' stock voices. maybe this detail is too petty for others who regularly play the British troops.

anyway, Scipio, i will contact you about the voice files.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It's only 10 sounds, I compressed them to MP§, so the whole package is only 106 KB. Generally, it would be a nice to make some soundrecordings, even if my German ears wouldn't have the benefit. But I could give support with changing the files into the CM-format.

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IN response to the request for Bobby whistle sound mod,I have a pretty good Bagpipe sound mod that I got from a link somewhere on this forum.It sounds quite stirring when the officer gives the command to advance and your troops charge forward to the skirl of the pipes.Probably scared the **** out of friend and foe alike! ;)

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

I am interested in this also.

Scipio, the two whistle files I linked to above don't seem to work when I try and put them into CM. I have no idea how to format them - can you help?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I've sended the file. Got it?

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Guest Babra

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by British Tommy:

I will attempt to do a few new ones ( with a Welsh accent! ) and will let you know when they are done.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I've always wondered what twelve consonants in a row sounds like. Looking forward to it! :D

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> no Brit says "bloody f--king hell" ! It's bloody hell or f--king hell not the two together. I don't normally teach swearing <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Wrong, wrong, wrong. "bloody f--king hell" is perfectly acceptable and not at all unusual. Stringing expletives together is, in fact, a minor art form. Remember "bloody b*ggering hell" from an episode of 'Absolutely Fabulous'?

For Brit wav files i'd like to suggest, in no particular order:


"Yew plonkah, Rodney"

"We'rrre doomed. Aye, we'rrre doomed"

If someone can tell me the technicalities of getting a wav file into CM, I'll glady have a bash.

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