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Swiss Regiments in WW II

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OK, grognards ready.... shoot !!!

Any Swiss regiments in WW II fighting along the germans? Volunteers, I mean. Swiss were "neutral" (read it as "bankers") during the war. Just curious if any of them joined any cause.


BTW... (stupid questions ahead)

were they dressed and armed as those funny vatican Swiss guards ? (long history, not really "army-like" dress) Did the carry their famous Swiss army knives? How could be the knife represented in a CMBO enviroment? Does the cockscrew makes any difference in combat?


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Well, I know that quite a few (don't have the number, sorry) joined the Republicans during the spanish civil war. They were all sentenced to jail when they returned home since swiss law forbids foreign military service for citizens. However, the sentences were not very severe, if I recall correctly. More symbolic than else.

If you ask if many Swiss joined nazi Germany in a structured unit (like the Wiking division for "Nordics" or the Azul division for Spanish), the answer is no. However, at that time, in the country some people were quite enthousiastic about nazi ideology (a small minority, but very vocal and very anti-bolchevik), so I guess some of them joined the German army in the fight against USSR. OTOH I remember that others joined the Allies in the fight against nazisme, so...

Sorry for the lack of precise numbers but I'm not an historian and I don't know very well this particular part of Swiss history. I will try to ask for more precise information.

BTW, concerning the legendary corkscrew, take a look at the topic "A sad day in history..." in the General Discussion forum, and you will see the Light! :cool:


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Oh my god !!!

A myth has been shattered to pieces.

No ****ing corkscrew.


Man, It is a really sad day.

Now you'll tell me that Santa Claus does not exist...

Man, I can believe it.

[edit: spelling of corkscrew. I wrote cockscrew, whatever this means...]

[ 04-10-2001: Message edited by: Blenheim ]

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