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'Sticky' Movement Orders


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Hi Matt (or BTS),

I probably should have brought this up earlier; it's not a prob specific to v1.1, it happened also with b24.

It is simply this: when giving Movement Orders, if my cursor should happened to touch the horizon or the sky (as I try to move the screen around while giving the orders) the 'move' order will stick there. Flying tanks would, indeed, be an advantageous weapon, but somehow I don't think that's supposed to happen smile.gif This is reminiscent of a problem with the earliest demo, which was fixed once somewhere along the line. Don't know why it shows up again. And BTW it happens only infrequently and not every time. go figure.

I wonder if anyone else has this problem?

Thanks for hearing me out smile.gif


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This same sort of thing appeared in the beta and V1.0, in that LOS or move lines that got near a flag would "jump" all over the place.

I've noticed that in 1.05 if I attempt to give a movement order to a vehicle into a terrain that they can't cross, the move line jumps around.

But it's not a fatal flaw, and if the waypoint happens to stick in the sky you can move it back to earth without any ill effects right?


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I've seen this a couple of times too. I would then simply hit the backspace key to delete the movement order and pick a different view angle (like above) and I wouldn't have the problem anymore. The placement of movement orders is always easier after the change of the viewing angle. I hope this helps.


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Hi guys,

No, I can't move the movement location back to earth as Doug suggests. Once it hits the sky it STICKS there. And Jumbo,the space or backspace only takes you back to the last place the movement order was 'fixed.' The biggest problem occurs when I am adding movements to a previous turn's orders; when it 'sticks' the only way out is to 'cancel' orders. This wipes out ALL the orders, including previous turn orders.

Thanks for your input, guys. Any other suggestions?


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Guest Michael emrys

Jumbo gave the best advice: use a view in which you cannot see the sky. That includes most of them.

What was posted about the line jumping around flags reminds me of another problem that I had. My normal view for the game is 3. I used to have a devil of a time trying to move units into the top floor of a house. When I would try to place the endpoint of a move, half the time it would go outside the house onto the ground. Then I finally wised up and switched to the 5 view with a ] to make it a bit closer up, and now everything works perfectly. That's also handy for finding the exact transition from trees to open or vice versa.


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TOBRUK, hitting backspace should only delete the last waypoint currently existing for a vehicle. If you give a move order that somehow goes asky, does immediately hitting backspace not delete that waypoint? You seem to be saying that, if you accidentally "sky" a waypoint, you have to delete all waypoints to kill that one; does that "sky" waypoint somehow become the FIRST waypoint for the vehicle?


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Hmm...no, Doug, the 'sky' wpt doesn't become the first. I guess I should go back and experiment with the backspace again. I felt (but may be wrong) that that didn't work. Thanks for the tip.


OK, Doug, I went back and tried your 'backspace' solution and it worked! It unsticks the sky wpt. I guess I need remedial manual reading lessons, eh?

Thanks a lot for your help smile.gif

[This message has been edited by TOBRUK (edited 01-11-2001).]

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