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CAL Question

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KiwiJoe:

not a mistake, 3 full platoons... 1 company.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Crap! I was waiting all night for a reply before I chose my units for my game with Yobobo. Nobody in the chat room seemed to know the rules...including Yobobo!

Anyway not getting any answer, I only took 3 SMG squads just to be sure I was complying with the CAL rules. Sneaky bastard! Now you'll pay!

Okay, to make this even Yobobo, all your tanks will stay buttoned for the entire battle. Sounds fair to me! ;)

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KiwiJoe:

Your fault, its written VERY clearly... 3 PLATOONS tongue.gif

That page is gold,follow it and any complaints your enemy has can simply be directly straight to the rules page.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yeah, it just seems that if you're playing a game that has average points, let's say 1250, than you're only gonna have 12 or 15 infantry squads, 9 of those being SMG squads. That's over half and still makes the Germs very deadly.

My question is, are the Allies strengths: arty, turret speed, and recon vehicles enough to level the playing field even with this ceiling on SMG units? I'm not so sure they are unless you play Recon Rules or Short-75. But then, what person who's interested in winning ladder games would want to take command of the Germans without use of heavy armor? Then the Allies seem to be the ones with all the advantages...

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Pah! I think the allies have the advantage.. particularly under short-75 rules. SMGs aint that bigger deal. Just learn how to engage them at 100-150m, using your advantage in HE (direct and indirect) to keep them from closing in on you. Ive won games where my enemy choose 9 platoons of volks smgs in a 1500 point battle, and all I had was 4 yanky rifle platoons. Hang back, drop that dealy artilley, swing in with M8 HMC fire and watch em panic :0 And remember... dont be afraid to withdraw, many people seem to advance forward to contact and just sit there, whilst outnumbered, and get hammered. Running like a scared bitch can save your life! smile.gif

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I dont understand the SMG problem. But of course I usually play the Germans. But never use SMG platoons. I always use SS rifle platoons. Anywho I dont understand why people dont use the Allied tanks like they are supposed to. Kill those advancing SMG platoons. I mean a 75mm gun with a couple of 50 cal guns + inf support vs a few volksgren SMG squads. I would take the Tank. Use AT guns to kill the german armor.

One other thing to do is just find where the SMG squads are and just use guns and arty to pummel them. The only way SMG squads are deadly is in close fighting. At 150ms they are worthless.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gen-x87H:

I dont understand the SMG problem. But of course I usually play the Germans. But never use SMG platoons. I always use SS rifle platoons. Anywho I dont understand why people dont use the Allied tanks like they are supposed to. Kill those advancing SMG platoons. I mean a 75mm gun with a couple of 50 cal guns + inf support vs a few volksgren SMG squads. I would take the Tank. Use AT guns to kill the german armor.

One other thing to do is just find where the SMG squads are and just use guns and arty to pummel them. The only way SMG squads are deadly is in close fighting. At 150ms they are worthless.


Well, I thought we were just comparing Allied infantry to German infantry, but since you wanna get into strategies...

As the Allies, I think you have to take arty. If you don't, you need a crapload of onboard mortar teams, preferebly the 81mm variety. Since the rule change in which the Germans were raped of their ability to field the same number of tanks as the Allies, those points go into more infantry and more AC tank killers to make up for it.

So, all that arty you buy can effectively deal with the extra infantry you go up against as the Allies and in addition, the 81 onboards will take out the halftracks and AC's you'll also probably see.

I still think though that the Germans have the edge. Look at it this way, if you have a map with few trees, the Germans can use heavy tanks against the Allies. If you have heavy foilage, their SMG squads will be able to fight the Allies in close ranges where they are the most deadly.

I wish I could change the title of this thread... smile.gif

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