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Help needed for designing scenario

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I am creating a scenario in which the US are the attacker .

They have three objectives :

1. attack the main objective

2. attack a hill close to the main objective from where some German AT guns protect the main objective.

Until now no problems. US attack and German defend

Now , the problem :

Two other US platoons are securing a crossroad a few miles away from the main attack to avoid German troops and armor to pass and go to reinforce their attacked main objective.The problem seems to be that in this place the German have to act as the attacker ( that what I would like ). As the game is designed as a US attack and German defend...the German in this part of the map attack only the US that attack them or that are closed to them near the crossroad but once they succeeded to kill all the US in this place of the map they do not go by themselves to reinforce the main objective ( all that when playing the US against German AI , in a Pbem there should be no problem each side knowing what they have to do ). There 5 German armor and troops reinforcement from this place...Most of them just stay here without moving until the end of the game

I placed victory flags in the main objective only .

Other problem : I placed some barbed wire near some German positions .When I open the game to play they are not exactly in the place I put them and not on the same direction. !!

Is there a way to make the German being more aggressive in this part of the map ? Or maybe , is it simply impossible to design a scenario in which one side is the attacker in one part of the map but also the defender in an other part of the map ?



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Crocket, when you want the Germans to attack the crossing, you should put a flag in there. Otherwise, the AI will have a tough time recognizing this as an objective. If you put a flag there, it should be enough to get the Germans going, especially if there are no Americans attacking them.

As for the barbed wire - padlock it in the editor. That way, the AI will not be able to move it during the setup phase.

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Hello MOON

Thanks for your answer

I tried to put a flag there and played the US . I succeeded to avoid from the German to pass and destroyed almost all of them .What happened is that the flag got the US colors and the US also got 65% victory by the end of the game , which is a very strange result because I was only testing this part of the map and did not moved at all the other US platoons ...they stood just were I put them at the beginning of the game and did not moved one step toward the 2 other objectives !In fact the main objective is supposed to be an anti aircraft base that must be destroyed prior to an air force attack .The victory in this scenario should be achieved only if this base is destroyed or most of it . The two other objectives are important but should not give too much victory points.Victory in the two secondary objective but a partial success only in the main objective should be considered in this scenario as an almost total failure .

I may be should change something in the concept of the scenario .

About the barbed wire I will do as you said



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If the airbase is so important, you might also want to consider putting more than one flag in that area. It's a nice "trick" to make a victory locations effectively be worth more than the 300 points assigned to a large flag. It will also mean that taking the other flag will give you a much smaller victory percentage overall, but should be enough to get the Germans moving.

Another thing you might want to doublecheck: make sure that the defenders actually have some units within "reach" of the airbase flag, i.e. that it is in German possession at game start. When you got such a high victory percentage, it might indicate that this is not the case.

Hope this helps.

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Good idea ...I put 3 large flags into the German base.The US near the crossroad did stop the German reinforcement like last time but by the end of the game they got only 17% victory.It looks like an excellent step in the good direction.

But the German are still too defensive around the crossroad and some of their reinforcement still do not move toward the crossroad to attack the US flag and regain a German flag.

The idea of transforming the scenario into a mini or 2 phases operation sound a good one .May be this option plus the right number of flags in the right places may give me the result I want.

This is my first try to create a scenario and I found the process of challenging and very interesting as much as playing the game .

I hope you won't mind to try my scenario once it will be ready ( it may take some time )



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