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Originally posted by Major Tom:

Wasn't it the United States that had/has the Wizard of Oz (too Communist), Catcher in the Rye, Cuban Cigars, even the words Communist or Socialist, etc. being censored?


<u>Wizard of Oz</u> isn't censored, you can buy it anywhere you can get movies. <u>Catcher in the Rye</u> had to read that in high school, obviously not censored. Cuban Cigars are banned because we have an embargo against cuba, not limited to cigars. Communist, socialist and others are not censored either. Where'd you get this info?

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Originally posted by CavScout:


<u>Wizard of Oz</u> isn't censored, you can buy it anywhere you can get movies. <u>Catcher in the Rye</u> had to read that in high school, obviously not censored. Cuban Cigars are banned because we have an embargo against cuba, not limited to cigars. Communist, socialist and others are not censored either. Where'd you get this info?

Cav Scout,

Although I have no comment about Wizard of Oz, I do know for certain that "Catcher in the Rye" was banned for some time many years ago. Today, it is read in high schools.

Ive read it myself, and by modern standards it is not very offensive in any way, although one can see how it would be offensive years ago.

Im not sure how old you are, so you might have read it after it was allowed to be read once more. Sorry I cant provide you with the exact date when this occured.


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Guest Andrew Hedges

Catcher in the Rye was *not* banned, unless by some high school library or another; it was both a best seller *and* a Book-of-the-Month club selection in the first year it came out. It is true that some books were banned (or prohibited from being sent through the mail, which amounted to the same thing) in the 50's, like, I think, Tropic of Cancer/Capricorn. But they're still not read in schools.

It is true that the swastika is an old (to use another word that has fallen into disfavor) Aryan symbol, but that's sort of beside the point for this discussion, since we're talking about the specific swastika used by the nazis, and not an ancient symbol that just happens to resemble the one on the nazi flag.

But I don't think that BTS has ever prohibited anyone from posting a link to a site that has a swastika on it on this board, so I don't think one needs fear censorship for that.

Now fearing censorship for this post being OT may be more realistic, and I wonder whether the ancient Incan symbol of the pad-lock will be making an appearance. smile.gif

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Guest Rex_Bellator

Good site link above, confirms what I recalled reading that Tibetans have always used the symbol to depict Life & Peace, and Hitler reversed the symbol to depict the opposite.

Can you count me in with the Mod please JuJu - Thanks m8.



In blossom today

then scattered,

life is so like a delicate flower,

how can one expect the fragrance

to last forever

Vice Admiral Takijiro Ohnishi - Commander Kamikaze Special Attack Force

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